Just lucky that I am still in one piece....

by Country_Woman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country_Woman

    I do have 3 dogs, 2 huskies and 1 Malamute and my sister in law thought that a fourth - a New Foundlander named Goofy - could go easy with those three while she did go for holidays.
    She - the dog - is very sweet, but is like a solid rock when you want to move her a bit aside.
    So, when she is in my way, I normally step over her and she always don't move a bit.

    Until last Tuesday afternoon. She decides to rise up and stand just in front of me.
    The result - I felt over her, did bruise my left arm ( 20 cm around green and blue yet) and a sprained wrist.

    So now my wrist is in a pressure-bandage - feeling better already.
    And I am very happy for this evening my sister in law returned from her holidays and has collected Goofy directly from the airport on her way home. (and that is one day earlier than arranged)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    glad to hear you were not hurt worse.

    Now is that blue bubblegum girl helping you out a bit

  • reboot

    ((( country woman ))) poor you...those big dogs can be so stupid and clumsy (though New Foundlands are one of my favourites- big teddy bears)....cats are dangerous too; I nearly fall over my cat everyday as he's always under my feet begging to be picked up....

    heal soon and take it easy...xxx

    edited to add smilies

  • Country_Woman

    Lady Lee,
    No that "blue bubblegum girl" can't help me: she is living half an hour driving away from me and very busy with her work and study - but I can manage.

    edit to say: I know that when it was worse, she would come over (now she is calling 20 times a day to make sure I don't need her).

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    LOL sorry but the 20 phone calls would drive me batty

    My hubby calls every morning to find out how my feet are

    Duh same as yesterday - drives me nuts

  • Country_Woman

    yes, lol.
    I always say that I have a hotline with her.....

  • sens


    Malamute's....arhhhhh soooooo beautiful...I want one when I move...

    do you have any pics country woman?

  • Billygoat

    I love Newfies! My mom-in-law has one named "Sophie". The biggest, dumbest, sweetest mutt you'll ever meet! Seriously, she is the sweetest dog. But man...she just doesn't get it. Good thing she's so darn lovable!

  • acsot

    Glad to know you're okay CW;

    I love big, dumb dogs, the bigger and dumber the better. Right now I make do with two cats - one is smart as a whip and the other as dumb as a big ol' lovable Newfoundland. She's almost 9 years old and still hasn't figured out that the refrigerator is where the food is. The other one realized it about an hour after I first brought her home .

    Take care!

  • shera

    Those dogs are huge! (These dogs weigh 100 to 150 lbs. and stand 25-29" at the shoulders)

    Glad your not too hurt and get better soon.


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