would you say something?

by flower 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    Ok, I live in one of, if not the most racially divided states in America and it took me a while but I've finally gotten used to it. I ignore most of this 1960's mentality that is so prevalent and just go on living my life without caring what people think or how they act..I have enough to deal with. However I honestly think this is going a little too far. Is anyone as offended as I am that my sons preschool class is segregated this way or am I imagining it? I suppose its possible, but I have a hard time believing that they just coincidentally ended up this way. The one not blacked out is my kid btw, isnt he a cutie?

    If this picture doesnt show let me know pls..

  • gumby
    Is anyone as offended as I am that my sons preschool class is segregated this way or am I imagining it? I suppose its possible, but I have a hard time believing that they just coincidentally ended up this way.

    Perhaps you could explain a bit more about the picture and what's going on. Your son must know the story.


  • sens

    Omg....thats horrid....

    ((flower)) He is cute btw

  • Elsewhere

    Damn... split right down the middle.

    Ya see the one in the middle who has obviously been eating too much Cheese and CRACKERS... she's the one who likely setup the arrangement.

  • Billygoat

    I'm not saying you're imagining it, but perhaps it is the way things just happened. For many years I was the only Asian kid at school. When I finally met two other Asian girls, we hung out a lot. We "connected" more because of the same type of cultural background we came from. I imagine there's a few pictures of the three of us hanging out together like your son is with his friends. So it may be more along the lines of them just "happening" to stand next to each because they're friends, versus anyone purposely putting them together.

    BTW - he's a little small, but from what I can see, he seems like a little cutie-pie!

  • flower

    Andi, I would like to believe that except for the fact that my little cutie is a ladies man ..he talks about the girls all the time and from how he talks he must play with them a lot more than the boys...if they just were standing with their friends hed be next to sofie for sure lol.

  • Billygoat


    They start so young nowadays!

  • outnfree

    Flower --

    Does it help that the children of color are seated (and standing) at the teacher(?)'s right hand? I thought not...

    I think I would say something. Tactfully. As in, "I found it interesting how the children are grouped in this picture, Ms. _________. I just wanted to point out to you that there might be cultural barriers that have been raised, and I'd be happy to do what I can to help you make those barriers disappear. We want all our children to feel comfortable with one another and with themselves, don't we?"

    And yes, your boy is a looker!

    My $.02,


  • jst2laws

    Hi Flower,

    I see Girls on the right and Boys on the left. Maybe the teacher is a feminist.


  • Billygoat

    To clarify my point made above, I was not so much mentioning all the black kids hanging out together, but the three/four white children hanging out together. Not that it's right, but many times birds of a feather flock together. Perhaps THOSE children were standing together out of being friends?

    Just stirring the pot a bit...


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