by JessieeMay 26 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, Jessieemay! You'll like it here!
J2BF I have been looking to read crisis of concience. I have heard from many people it is a great book. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of it?
Hey Beans of course I remember you. It was wonderfull meeting you and I look forward to the next one!!!
Hi JessieeMay,
I'm so glad that lurking was so beneficial to you. Now that you've got your feet wet, so to speak, you will enjoy the forum more by participating in it as well.
You'll find good people and great conversation here...better than after meeting banter!
Hey Jessiemay welcome!
You got kicked out at age 17. Unreal. It's unbelievable (and yet easy to believe) how far many jws will go. Throwing out your own child just to no doubt protect your reputation in the congregation is so ridiculous and yet happens quite often, sad to say.