Just curiouse. but why was the format of the theocratic ministry school talk 2 and 4 changed last year.
Talk 2 And 4
by Paradise Found 13 Replies latest jw friends
It was not just Talk 2 and 4 -- the whole format of the scholl changed -- now has an extra -speech quality talk -- longer highlights with question and answer -shorter talk 2 with just a raeding no intro or conclusion -- instruction talk also altered. Never heard the official reason why the school format changed - New TMS guide book also- -- loads of new Public Talk Outlines --- it is almost as if the WTBTS knows meeting attendance is down beacsue of boredom and other things -- so they are trying to change things for change sake -- that is My Humble Opinion -- but if othere here have better knowledge on this subject I would love to hear it
Don't know exactly why they changed the format though it was and still is sorely needed to really accomplish the stated goal. Where is the constructive criticism? The one minute 'counsel' period has now fallen to "how wonderful you did". Oh yes the student is supposed to see the School Overseer after the program, but you can have a sure bet on the number of times that happens. Just sit back and watch the crowd flee at the end of the meeting. The sound of the Amen hasn't even fallen off when that door bangs open for the made rush out.
And how many are really qualified as school overseers? The quality of the programs has fallen and the method of teaching has not changed in 50 years. Sad indeed.
The TMS was the only good thing that I came awat with from the WT. I was no speaker when I became a JW in 1971. The TMS taught me how to speak in public. How to contruct a talk and all the things that went with it gestures etc. I eventually was able to give public talks. That was in the days when you where counselled from the platform etc. Reading the above on how they have changed the TMS format, it seems they have "dumbed down" the whole thing. Don't they think its worth teaching members anymore?
Since leaving the JW's in 1999 I have used what I learnt in the TMS, to be able to give talks to local churches and groups on the JW's. Also when having to speak at seminars and courses at work.
I gave a copy of the TMS guidebook,old version, to a friend. Who has since used it when taking business seminars showing men on how to put their points and sales pitch across. After all it was designed to help people "sell".
I dont know
I'm not sure why they made changes, but my guess is that it was simply for the sake of change, perhaps to boost attendance, which was always down for the TMS compared to the Sunday meeting.
I was assistannt school overseer and school overseer, and I hated it. Counseling people from the platform was ridiculous and fraught with potential for hurt feelings and embarassment. There were also cancellations virtually every week - in the rear of second school, we hardly ever had all assigned speakers show up. When you are conducting the school, that puts a lot of stress on you, and I felt it each week.
Room 215
Rocketman... add to your complaints about the thanklessness of the TMS job, the burden of making up the schedule, then listening to the inevitable criticisms about spacing between talks -- i.e. who gets scheduled too frequently, who not; who gets paired with whom, and then dealing with the recurrent last-minute cancellations and no-shows.
This "adjustment" was probably where they really lost me. Back then, I was hopeful of "reform" and when they announced there'd be a new arrangement for the school I was excited. Figured this was the beginning of some simplification that might lead to one less meeting, another "free" night during the week, and a lighter burden on everyone. I mean, hey, they were actualy recognizing that JWs were staggering under a heavy load imposed on them. Hah! I was speechless when they outlined this "new arrangement." It added a talk to the school, creating more work for elders and MS. As someone above already said, it "dumbed down" the program.
It created change for the sake of change, without actually "improving" anything. It confused the hell out of most of the rank and file. I never heard a good explanation for why the whole thing was done. Once in practice, it was clearly NOT an improvement of any kind. However, it did create an instant market for at least 6 million books to be sold to a captive audience.
Oh. Maybe that was it! That, and control. It made more work. And there was already enough "make-work."
On the plus side, it clarified things for me: Given an opportunity to streamline one of its programs for the good of the participants, the WTS just couldn't do it. It revealed much about who they are and what they stand for. As a result, I stopped wanting reform and started looking longingly at the back door.
Hah! I was speechless when they outlined this "new arrangement." It added a talk to the school, creating more work for elders and MS. As someone above already said, it "dumbed down" the program. It created change for the sake of change, without actually "improving" anything. It confused the hell out of most of the rank and file. ---- Once in practice, it was clearly NOT an improvement of any kind. However, it did create an instant market for at least 6 million books to be sold to a captive audience.
Do you know -I never thought about it this way -- this helps me a lot .Yes the TMS was a good product --it also helped me become a better reader and speaker. I have never given a talk under the new school -- I am on the slow fade.
Yes, Room215, I remember that stuff very well.
The TMS overseer (while I was assisting) was very critical of the bros and sis's, and they did not take to him much at all.