I must say I miss some answers , but I understnad that you dont want to disscuss this problem widh what so many have done who say they worship Jesus, as fare as I now most New born christina are nowned as very agressiv vhen it comes to what US can do and have done to fight other nations, like in Irak, or wietnam, or fore that madher in some states in south amerika or asia.
I have never understand this nationalism who so many so called christians show.
I telll you again, what said the bibel, dont be like Kain who killd hes brother, do love even yur enemy.
"And I want also to ask you , do you now what jesus said when the devil want him to worship him.
In replay Jesus said to him:It is written , It is Jehova your God you must worship, and it is to him ALONE you must render sacred servie, LUK 4. 8"
love HM