"Whenever we go into a conflict, there's a certain amount of guidance that comes down the pike," said Lt. Olivia Nelson, a spokeswoman for Dover. "It's a consistent policy across the board. Where it used to apply only to Dover, they've now made it very clear it applies to everyone."
YEA! I went to the Public Affairs Officers Course with Olivia and am glad to see she's doing well. This policy is across the board and it's for many reasons, let's include politial as the most obvious, but add in there morale of the troops overseas along with their families watching the TV 24/7. Fallen Soldiers will get local media coverage in their hometowns, where they will be remembered. Some will have parks names after them, other will have other types of memorials. It not necessary for the national outlets to sit at the Dover runway taking photos of Americans in mourning.
Soldiers are doing the job they have been training to do. All the while people in the States are wondering why we're 'there', Soldiers don't have the luxruy to wonder - They made the decission to join and are proud enough to say they risked their lives for their country - What did you do?