You might be a jW if...

by Valis 16 Replies latest social humour

  • morty


    lmfao.........they are too funny...would love to see George Fox do these at a stand up club.....


  • joannadandy

    if going to 7-11 is something to look forward to
    OH man that's my favorite!! I used to pray to Jehober that I wouldn't get in that group that made a ten minute pee break at the gulp and go so we could maximize field service time...

  • imallgrowedup

    ... if, during the 70's, you always had a year's worth of food stuffed in every nook and cranny...!

  • heathen

    If you like going to gatherings where they pass food and wine around and noone eats or drinks , you just might be a dub

    If you plan your vacations from work around the assembly shcedule , you just might be a dub.

  • Stefanie

    The 7-11 one was my favorite!

    Those were lol Funny!

  • Lapuce

    I liked the one about the door section at home depot, not that explains those funny urgues I had???


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I feel compelled to take a stab at this....

    You might be a JW if...

    - You see higher education as a bad thing.

    - You think all Christians(as in what they call Christendom) are bad people.

    - You send magazines via the mail to people who have lost loved ones.

    - You get in an arguement with someone. He/she brings up a good point and you respond by either a) Saying "I'll do some more research. b) Just read this book and it'll explain everything. c) Go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the person's question or point.

    - Your idea of a fun and productive Saturday afternoon is driving all over town and handing out magazines.

    - Your idea of a wild party is sitting around with friends and reading a magazine. (Seriously, JWs used to put down birthday parties because they boast about their alleged wild parties.)

    - You haven't even read any Harry Potter books, but you assume it's full of instructions on how to become a successfuly warlock.

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