Hi steve2
When was the last time GJ was featured in a JW org video or gave an address at a JW convention?
Exactly, that's the point, when was the last time???.....
by darkspilver 20 Replies latest jw friends
Hi steve2
When was the last time GJ was featured in a JW org video or gave an address at a JW convention?
Exactly, that's the point, when was the last time???.....
That two-thirds rule though.
I'm sure they'd just add a new member.
Exactly, that's the point, when was the last time???.....
Hasn't Jackson heard? "It's better to burn out, than to faaaaaade awaaay!"
In Oct. 2016 a morning worship video was uploaded onto JW org tv titled "a word spoken at the right time" and presented by Geoffrey Jackson.
Hi Listener
In Oct. 2016 a morning worship video was uploaded onto JW org tv titled "a word spoken at the right time" and presented by Geoffrey Jackson.
Which is very interesting because that was the Day's Text - from FIVE MONTHS ago....
Wednesday, May 25
A word spoken at the right time—how good it is!—Prov. 15:23.
Which means that Iamallcool, DesirousOfChange and berrygerry's theory may still hold water...
"...I'm Geoff 'Postate, yes I'm the real 'Postate... all you other 'Postates are just imitatin'..."
"...I'm Geoff 'Postate,
What's interesting is the time period comparisions with Ray Franz.
Ray Franz joined the GB in 1971 and left in 1980 - after nine years at which point he was neither amongest the newest to be appointed (a whole bunch were appointed in both 1974 and 1977) and neither amongst the longest serving - he was 'in-the-middle' in terms of length of time on GB.
Now fast forward to today....
Geoffrey Jackson, having been appointed in 2005 is likewise 'in-the-middle' having been on the GB for 11 years, he is neither amongst the longest or shortest serving GB member. He hasn't been on the GB for too long, but long enough...
He was also seen in a video about the new song book shown at the Annual Meeting which was probably recorded fairly recently.
Oh good grief... this is what we're picking at nowadays? First, these two books are old. 1999 and 2001. Second, both were published prior to Jackson being appointed to the GB. He was appointed in 2005.