Here are my questions I would use to determine the honesty of a Witness visitor.
PERSONALIZED SURVEY QUESTIONS (Yes/No) (testing for honesty)
1. Would you say that your religion discourages higher education? (yes or no?)
2. Do you believe that all the churches of Christendom are essentially satanic?
3. Do you believe, that with rare exceptions, only baptized JWs will survive Armageddon?
4. In a medical emergency would you refuse a blood transfusion that might save the life of a family member?
5. Do you believe that there is any honorable way out of your religion?
6. Would you shun a family member who left your religion because they no longer believed it to be the truth?
7. Do you believe that Jehovah has promised to usher in a safe and secure new world before the 1914 generation expires?
8. Do you believe your religion is biblical?
9. Do you believe your leaders are uniquely capable of understanding and interpreting scripture?
10. Do you believe Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the same gospel that Paul preached?
11. Do you believe JWs view Jesus the same way first century Christians did?
12. Do you believe that there were less than 150,000 faithful-to-the-end Christians that existed prior to the start of the 20th century? (i.e. from AD 33 to 1900 AD)
Later you might review each question with sub questions and quotations from their literature to reveal any dishonesty in their responses.