Would you?

by Half banana 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    Here are my questions I would use to determine the honesty of a Witness visitor.

    PERSONALIZED SURVEY QUESTIONS (Yes/No) (testing for honesty)

    1. Would you say that your religion discourages higher education? (yes or no?)

    2. Do you believe that all the churches of Christendom are essentially satanic?

    3. Do you believe, that with rare exceptions, only baptized JWs will survive Armageddon?

    4. In a medical emergency would you refuse a blood transfusion that might save the life of a family member?

    5. Do you believe that there is any honorable way out of your religion?

    6. Would you shun a family member who left your religion because they no longer believed it to be the truth?

    7. Do you believe that Jehovah has promised to usher in a safe and secure new world before the 1914 generation expires?

    8. Do you believe your religion is biblical?

    9. Do you believe your leaders are uniquely capable of understanding and interpreting scripture?

    10. Do you believe Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the same gospel that Paul preached?

    11. Do you believe JWs view Jesus the same way first century Christians did?

    12. Do you believe that there were less than 150,000 faithful-to-the-end Christians that existed prior to the start of the 20th century? (i.e. from AD 33 to 1900 AD)

    Later you might review each question with sub questions and quotations from their literature to reveal any dishonesty in their responses.

  • LongHairGal


    If the Witness religion was honest and laid their cards on the table, very few people would get involved....

    I had several rude awakenings, but the most trying thing was their terrible attitude with regard to my full-time job. I felt their stand bordered on craziness in the modern world. Where did these idiots think money came from?...

    Luckily, I let their bullshit go in one ear and out the other and I’m retired now.

    If the religion were honest and up-front about their quirks and prohibitions, there might still be some persons who would join. But, at least these people would be making an informed choice which is something we didn’t have.

    I would’ve run like hell if I knew what the so-called “Truth” was all about.

  • Ireneus

    This truth sets us free.

    Interesting questions

  • Vanderhoven7

    I used H.B.'s questions on another forum. A Witness replied as follows:

    Vanderhoven said...

    LOL...I might have attended to rebuke the leadership and warn the sheep...but certainly wouldn't join the religion.

    How about just to listen and learn? To see if JW's really practice what they preach.

    Vanderhoven said...

    HB Questions

    Would you join a religion which ....

    Well I would ask HB if he/she would join a religion that's divided into thousands of diverse "Churches, Denominations, Fellowships, and Conventions"?

    Not to mention cults and sects?

    Each claiming to worship the true God but ......

    For example:

    Simplified Outline of Christendom’s Major Religions

    Roman Catholic Church

    4th Century (Constantine)

    5th Century Coptic , Jacobite

    1054 C.E. ( A.D )

    Eastern Orthodox , Greek, Romanian and others

    16th Century Reformation




    American and others




    Salvation Army






    Reformed Churches

    much Christian love
  • Vanderhoven7

    My response:

    And Watchtower religion is just one of the cults... and a very dangerous one as well.

    I go by their fruits.

    False dates

    False gospel

    False FDS

    False authority

    Fostering Trust in men

    Every wind of changing doctrine.

    Dangerous medical commands

    Illogical teachings

    Major in minors...beards...holidays...birthdays

    Breaking up families needlessly

    Failure to protect children from abuse.

    Crushing freedom of thought and expression.

    Shunning for extra-biblical reasons

    No financial accountability

    High suicide rate

    Conditional love.

    Inability to accept criticism

    Pharisical blindness.


    By the way Pennyone...no one has to join a religion to be saved. That's man talking. One has to be joined to Jesus. ....not a religion.

    Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship. He who has the Son, has life. He who has not the Son, has not life.

    Jesus will not ask which church we attended...but He will look at our fruit and our obedience...not to determine our salvation...but our rewards. Salvation is the gift of God...forgiveness is a gift...righteousness is a gift...justificatipn is a gift....lest any man should boast.

    Everything depends in whether we know and love Father and Son...not which group we feel is most directed by God.

    The Watchtower only claims exclusive recognition by God and that recognition is totally based on the word of men.

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