Watchtower--#0531 With United Ways!

by Voyager 55 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • czarofmischief

    Sigh... more hypocrisy and double-dealing.

    While I am encouraged to see the WT adopting a more "mainstream" position with regards to charities and stuff - it sucks that they are still putting up this front of "sole possessors of truth" and piety.

    They need to change their front, and soon, and join the rest of the world in trying to get good things done.


  • Voyager


    Your absolutely right. This holier than thou crap is getting them nowhere. They want to straddle the fence. Their fronts are being exposed on a daily to weekly basis. They either need to get with the program, or get out of the kitchen.---Thanks czar---Voyager

  • DFWnonJW

    Just curious...any new light on this subject? <did I just say that phrase?>

  • imallgrowedup

    Voyager -

    Have you heard back yet from the United Way?


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    The ``kitchen" they need to get into is the soup kitchen

  • Elsewhere

    Yeah... Charity is not for true christians. Its associated with Spiritism!!!


    w01 5/1 p. 20 Spiritism and the Search for True Spirituality ***

    Spiritism attracts many because it highlights neighbor love and charitable works. One spiritist belief is: "Without charity there is no salvation." Many spiritists are active in social work, promoting hospitals, schools, and other institutions. Such efforts are commendable. How, though, do the beliefs of spiritists compare with Jesus? teachings as recorded in the Bible? Let us take two examples: the hope for the dead and the reason for suffering.

  • Elsewhere

    Giving your money to a Charity is a bad idea... instead, give up your money and live the poor life knocking on doors selling our books!


    w50 12/15 pp. 505-506 Religious Charity versus Good Works ***


    Charity versus Good Works

    EVERY year hundreds of millions of dollars are contributed by the public to what are termed reputable, legitimate and worthy charities, many of which are sponsored by religious organizations. The question is, Should true Christians, who are under the godly commandments to do good, contribute to these supposedly humanitarian money-raising schemes?

    Jehovah God is the best example of one that does good to others. He gave the first man a beautiful home with all the necessities of life. (Gen. 1:29-31) Thereafter, and in spite of the original man?s disobedience, condemnation and execution, the sinful offspring of the first pair have continued to enjoy many blessings from God?s merciful hand. All living creatures are completely dependent on Him for the sunshine, air, rain, soil, fertile seed and all other things essential for life.?Ps. 145:15-17, Yg.

    Why, then, are there so many poor and needy people in the world, so many who are sick, diseased and suffering, and who are in need of the bare necessities of life? Satan the Devil is the one responsible for all this woe and trouble. God is in no wise to blame for such miserable conditions even though so falsely charged. The Devil, by and through his world organization, has ruled the people with the spirit of greed and selfishness. With cruelty and harshness the masses of common people have been oppressed and kept in subjection.

    The state tells farmers what and how much they may plant, how many pigs to kill off and bury in the ground, how much cotton to plow under, how much coffee to burn?all this to keep prices excessively high. The government dumps potatoes and destroys other crops when prices are "too low", and in this way the increase that God gives to the land and its animals is destroyed by selfish men.

    Substituting communistic co-operatives for capitalistic governments does not remedy or correct conditions. Under one system of government or under another, the people continue to suffer. The poor we will always have with us, Jesus said, until this present evil world is swept away and God?s glorious new world is established.?Mark 14:7.



    To know that Jehovah is able to shield and protect the poor against the strong oppressor and the mighty rich is surely a great comfort. (Ps. 35:10) The Lord has always been interested in helping the poor. All true Christians likewise do good to the poor. "The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it." "He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor." (Prov. 29:7; 14:31) The poor love life and its blessings the same as all other folks. So why should anyone who loves God make them suffer or rob them of what little they have? How foolish it is for the rich to hoard up possessions for themselves. They cannot take it with them when they die, and it will be of no help or protection during Armageddon. "Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death."?Prov. 11:4.

    The important thing, the Word of God says, is to be rich in good works. But can one wealthy in material possessions also be rich in good works? This question was in the mind of the rich young ruler in Jesus? day who asked the Master what he must do in order to gain eternal life. You can read the account in Matthew 19:16-24.

    Jesus did not speak evasively, but plainly for the young man?s own good. From all outward appearance this fellow was a respectable, law-abiding individual. There is nothing to indicate that he oppressed or robbed the poor. Apparently he had come by his money and holdings in a lawful manner. But the question was, What was he going to do with what he had? How was he to use his wealth? Said Jesus: ?If you give to the poor you will have treasure in heaven, provided you come and follow me.?

    Thus it becomes clear that donating to charitable causes as a philanthropist is of no value in God?s sight unless one goes farther and becomes a true footstep follower of Jesus. It also appears that the possession of wealth is in itself of no particular harm. The question is, How is that wealth used? If you are rich in this world?s goods will you do what Jesus said? Are you willing to give up your material wealth and follow the course Jesus did, work in the interests of the poor and with the Kingdom message comfort those who mourn? Or will you hang tightly on to what you have and turn aside grieved and peeved at what the Lord has said, as the young man did nineteen centuries ago? To do that is selfishness, greediness, covetousness. (1 Tim. 6:10) Yes, the right thing is the hard thing to do, and Jesus knew it: "Truly I say to you that it will be a difficult thing for a rich man to get into the kingdom of the heavens. Again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to get through a needle?s eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God."?Matt. 19:23, 24, NW.

    The apostle Paul was one of those that followed the wise counsel of Jesus. He gave up his rich earthly position as a Pharisee and spent his time, energy and substance feeding those hungering after the truth. His counsel to Timothy was: "Charge them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, open-handed and generous, storing up a valuable treasure for themselves for the future, so as to grasp the life that is life indeed."?1 Tim. 6:17-19, AT.

  • Elsewhere

    Charities are scams!!!

    *** g93 1/22 p. 29 Watching the World ***



    The magazine Consumer Reports recently singled out a cancer charity that mailed out letters asking people to gather donations from friends and neighbors and send it in. The report notes that deciphering the small print on the back of the letter turns up some interesting facts. For instance, while the charity raised nearly $2.5 million in the previous year, less than one penny out of each dollar actually went to fund cancer research. "The rest paid a professional fund-raiser, defrayed fund-raising costs, administered the fund, settled lawsuits arising from previous misleading solicitations, and paid for ?public education,?" the magazine states. It cites an example of the public education in question?extremely bland and general advice on cancer prevention, such as, "Keep your workplace free of cancer hazards."


    g00 3/22 p. 28 Watching the World ***



    Millions of people have benefited from donated drugs in times of crisis. However, a recent survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that donated drugs are often inadequately identified or have a limited shelf life. While sent with the best of intentions, many drugs "fail to meet the most urgent real health needs and, once in the country, they clog up already overloaded distribution systems and become difficult to dispose of," says WHO official Dr. Jonathan Quick. Over half the drugs donated to Bosnia were inappropriate. Special incinerators had to be sent to Armenia and to Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to dispose of unsuitable drugs. The estimated cost of shipping 1,000 tons of inappropriate medicines from Croatia for proper disposal elsewhere is between two and four million dollars.

    A balanced view: If you give money then "Let he buyer beware" 'cause you might get scammed... it's better to go door-to-door selling our books!!!


    g73 11/22 p. 26 Is It Always Wise to Give to Charity? ***


    Balanced View

    No question about it, as Jesus said, "You always have the poor with you." (Matt. 26:11) And he also said, there is happiness in giving, in being unselfish, in being helpful. But to be gullible is to reward the greedy ones or those too lazy to work. Since there are deserving persons and deserving causes, one should practice discrimination. So the time-worn saying, "Let the buyer beware," might well be rephrased, "Let the giver beware."

    And, of course, those who are Christian ministers are in position to give something far better than silver and gold. And what is that? The truth of God?s Word, which brings comfort, hope, peace of mind and which can even result in life eternal. Having received free, they also want to give free. (Matt. 10:8; compare Acts 3:1-8.) And, in fact, it is in regard to this kind of giving, of spiritual things, that the apostle Paul quoted Jesus? words about the greater happiness that comes from giving.?Acts 20:35.

  • Elsewhere

    I challenge anyone to find a SINGLE article that encourages people to give money to any organization other than the WTS.

  • life is to short
    life is to short


    Thought this would be good for new ones to see. Thanks Bondie

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