United Nations And daily text?

by mooneyes 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mooneyes


    I'm new here but I'm wondering if any one knows the answer to this. In regards to the J.W. and United Nations I thought there was a reference of admission from the Watchtower Bible & Tract in one of he daily texts. If any one knows about this about this and could refer me to where it is located I would much appreciate it.

    Thanks so much......Mooneyes

  • SM62

    Hi Mooneyes and welcome! I'm pretty new too and I'm sure you'll find this place as informative as I have.

    I'm afraid I can't help you much with your question, but I'd be interested in finding out about this if anyone else can help. I seem to remember reading something that was said by the WTS, whether it was an elder's letter somebody posted to this board or a letter to the congregations or something. I'm sure it was just their way of wriggling out of any responsibility and they implied that joining the UN was done for the most upright and admirable reasons. Anyway, I seem to remember it was something pretty sickening.

    I was truly amazed when I discovered the UN issue. It wasn't long ago and I still find it hard to believe that I didn't find out sooner. I must have been going around with blinkers on.


  • sens
    reference of admission from the Watchtower Bible & Tract in one of he daily texts.

    I will have a look....(if i can find mine...i may have chucked it though) ....is it in 2003?

    and Hi Btw!

  • Gopher

    Welcome to the board, mooneyes.

    From what I've been seeing, the WT Society is doing their best to hide this mess from their loyal followers. So they'd probably NEVER "fess up" to any such involvement in any of their publications.

    Only when they are directly asked or challenged about it, do they grudgingly give answers about it in their "reactive" mode.

    But they have printed some favorable Awake! articles about UN agencies in the 1990's. And they've calmed down their rhetoric about the UN being represented by the 'image of the beast' in Revelation.

  • blondie

    The day's text is taken from WTs from the last service year (September 2001 to September 2002) usually and from the study articles. You will notice that some of the scriptures show up more than once. I can't find right now, but there was quite an extensive discussion of that article on JWD. If someone has saved the location, they might post it here.


  • mooneyes

    Thanks so much for your help. The reason why I am loooking for it is due to an arguement with a family member who is an active J.W. I was raised a witness but was never baptised. Even still it wasn't untill 2 years ago I even looked into the religon from an outside point of view. When I found out all I did it was a real eye opener for me. I asked my family about the U.N. matter and was told I had fallen for the biggest hoax out there and must be very studip and gullible (blah, bLah, blah). So I thought if I had something written from the J.W.'s to prove my point that would be great because my family would'nt belive anything else.

    Also a couple phone calls to Bethel offices brought no answers as both times I was told no one there could give me an answer and to call back.

    Anyway thanks again! Mooneyes

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    It would surprise me if they made some sort of admission, but then again, humans are known to make bloopers.

    Guest 77

  • BluesBrother

    To the best of my knowledge the "Society" has never made any admission in printed article of involvement with the U.N., They still study material that says that they are opposed to it as a key element of Satan' s system and that it is the scarlet coloured beast of Revelation.

    Many of us received lettters from the Society at the time in answer to direct questions. All the letters were the same, as far as I know.

    They said they were obliged to become NGO's , so as to be able to use the extensive libraru at U N Headquartes. They implied that the criteria for NGO status had changed since they joined and they removed themselves when they found out.

    This was successfully rebutted at the time and their arguments were shot down in flames .

    www.freeminds has excellent resource material on this subject

  • oldcrowwoman

    Welcome eyes

    Old Crow

  • invictus

    welcome to the forum mooneyes,

    the only admition from the wt is to justify their actions- it was never to explain what really happens. And even if they gave any explanation about being members of UN how are they going to justify hiding that fact for 10 years? No one from RF knew until Gardian paper in UK made it public. As other posters suggested there is a wealth of information where you can find what truly was going on.Enjoy your research.



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