Hi SolidSender:
BitterTruth – thank you for taking the time & effort to write such a coherent post...I was very impressed with it.
No problem. :-)
I have no doubt, but when two (2) christian-brothers meet for the first time, its very easy to resolve any misunderstandings or unintended conflicts/friction they may experience at first...the "law of love," does the trick everytime...brothers in the faith can resolve problems...remembering the example Christ set for us all.
Getting straight to the heart of the matter – I may be reading you wrong but what you seem to be suggesting however is the replacement of one man made mediatorship ( the WTBTS ) for another ( Reformed WTBTS or whatever you want to call it )... As we both appreciate from scripture we all account before God & Christ as individuals under the new covenant founded upon love.
You are absolutely correct! So, to replace one man-made, phony mediatorship for another...is going backwards...that's not the direction that I am pointing to...no not at all.
And though I speak of Reform, as being the purpose of the few faithful up at the kingdom hall...and it is a noble purpose in itself, but "reform," really, is actually, not my line at all...that's the guys at the kingdom hall secretly talking about "reforming" anything...guys on H2O...talk about "reform."
My word is "restoration," spiritual restoration. Jehovah's Witnesses have to be, and I mean have to be spiritually "RESTORED", before Jehovah God, can be satisfied. Perhaps, you've noticed my little line at the bottom of most of my posts...my "signature..." I speak of spiritual "restoration", complete restoration.
To revert to a man made mediatorship is to return to the pre christian, old covenant position founded upon law. This is the basics as you know, but to me that is the beauty of the christian faith, it’s profound simplicity.
Soooo true...a "man-made mediatorship" is completely contrary to the will of God and Jesus. And you are right, the WTS did indeed, attempt to usurp headship of the christian congregation, by placing themselves between God and man...the place that only Jesus should occupy. -- 1 Tim. 2:5,6
But Jehovah God made a promise here, and Jesus too...they promised that if the wicked Shepherd "scattered his sheep," yes, Jehovah and Jesus promised they, as the "Great," and "Fine" Shepherds...would LOOK FOR THEM and bring them back into God's fold...that's the promise. -- See Ezekiel 34:1-16; Matthew 15:24
And you guys are Jehovah's and Jesus' sheep...so that's why I'm here...my friend. I know you are skeptical...I would be too...but have no fear...you'll be given ample time and opportunity to make a fair appraisal of what I teach and say. I promise.
So, if you leave the WTS, ... don't think for a minute, Jesus is going to just let it go at that...the sheep just scatter...scatter permanently...no, no, no, no...Jesus has greater things in store for his people...greater things...things the WTS knew nothing of...things that was "hidden" from them, in fact....things that I will openly DISCUSS WITH YOU brothers...
We did learn a few things that were correct from the WTS...admittedly we did... but...The information I speak of, does have to do with our "completing the picture" of all of the things, things the WTS DID NOT want to disclose to us, and things that they themselves would not even allow themselves (nor any of their number at Bethel headquarters, like RV Franz, E. Dunlap, and so on) to perceive or envisage beyond the status quo protocol long established there. Pride before a Crash, in other words.
Great News!...It is now time to learn of these things...things God wants us to know, as it is found in His Word, and His is "revealing" them...things that the WTS "took away from us." But now, they are becoming "revealed." These things, spiritual deep things, that actually "belong to us," that's if Jehovah and Jesus have "revealed," them...Really. They can "belong to us," then.
One of my favorite scriptures says,
"The things concealed belong to Jehovah our God, but the THINGS REVEALED BELONG TO US and to our sons to time indefinite, that we may carry out all the words of this law." -- Deut. 29:29
That time is now...during the time of the end...as Daniel promised. (I know this sounds suspicious...suspect of another would be "false" prophet talking about the future and all) but, I insist, I know, yes "good news" is here...to all for the taking...its free, as promised. The Bible is going to be UNFOLDED RIGHT BEFORE YOU VERY EYES...that time is now!
Kind of like I mentioned to "Path," sometime even "good news" is hard to take...when you've been exposed to so much bad news...and we have...at WTS land...you know.
Smilingly, I recall when Jesus stood in front of his home town people, at Nazareth, and said something about giving "good news" to his fellow man...he said that
"Jehovah's Spirit Is Upon Me...to declare the good news to you..."
Well, that "Good news," was not quite "good news" at first to them...not at first. It was there for them, and he cited the appropriate scriptural text, as he read from Isaiah's scroll, stating the scripture had been fulfilled in him...well...they were not so happy about such "good news," even though Jesus was a perfect man, had done no wrong before them, to their knowledge, his hometown folk...still they felt he "must go,"...
For, just SAYING what he did, just saying it,...the people, all of the people, grabbed Jesus and tried their best to END HIS LIFE, by throwing him over the precipice! -- Luke 4:16-30
So thank God, that hasn't happened to me so far... :-)
But still, that's why I say, "good news is sometimes harder to take than, bad news," especially if people have had a hard time before you make your entrance.
But, guess what, I still say...its here...I can personally vouch for it...its here...and, if, if, if you guys here want it..yeap, its "free," as promised.
Whether you brothers realize or not, and this might take some time, but in time, everyone on this board, is going to want to jump for Joy...ALL SINCERE BROTHERS/SISTERS, especially after you see the "Great War" formulating as Daniel 10:1 stated. Of course, I'm not implying that dying bodies, sickness and death, are things to rejoice over...no, not my point at all. The "Great War," will signify something very meaningful for all sincere christian followers of Christ...salvation is near.
Just as Jesus said, at that time, when we begin to see the things Jesus spoke of (Matt. 24) actually happen...then, he said "raise yourselves erect and lifts your heads up...because your deliverance is getting near." The Great War, will be one of the first visible things, that cannot be MISINTERPRETED at all.
It will be the same war that is spoken of at Matt. 24:7 and Rev. 6:4...the "ride of the fiery-colored" horse...shortly to be upon us. When that "war,"surfaces, then, we will then know...whether we have our "facts straight," as far as the time of the end and all...at that time...we will know! That's my thought...
Yes, ALL SINCERE SERVANTS of Jehovah God will want to jump for joy, as we begin to understand the Bible together in its entirety, for the first time...understand it as a group too...it will be that apparent...real unity will be possible...and that time is very, very, very near. -- 1 Cor. 1:10;
So I say, Jehovah is deeply concerned about all of you...you've been thru a grueling test...up at WTS land...I know...I was there too.
But, you are free now..."released from captivity," free from "blindness," free to learn the truth, now, free of that great hindering agency, the WTS, free to experience the spirit of Truth, that Jesus promised would "guide us into ALL Truth," and more importantly, "declare the things coming..."...that things "coming," as in the FUTURE...we are going to finally, yes, finally, start getting a picture of the future, as Revealed from God, and His trustworthy Word the Bible...that time has come. -- Luke 4:18; John 16:13
Daniel promised us in the "time of the end," these words:
"And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of the end. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant." -- Daniel 12:4
That time has come...and you are the ones Jehovah God has selected, been permitted to be the first among all of Jehovah God Name People to receive such information...
Now, this information will be "ankle deep," "knee deep," then waist deep... deeper.... deeper.... deepest...and some will begin to feel that the "bottom has dropped out," from under them...its going to get sooo deep...But I promise, it all make sense, when you tie all of the pieces together, in one whole...it will make sense, if you allow yourself, that's ALLOW YOURSELF to complete the picture... -- Ezekiel 47:1-5
PLEASE NOTE: You will find out real quick, that quite a bit of what I teach, is not in any book...at least, one that you know of as of yet. This information has been reserved for you brothers and sisters...you are Jehovah and Jesus' Special Guests..."Info Reserved" for especially you.
You brothers are indeed, highly favored even though, you may not realize it...but that is a true statement. You will see.
And too, its going to cost you nothing...only your attentive eye, and listening ear...its free.
I do say, yes, this information comes from God...that's my first message to you...I'm required to say this...
This "truth," does indeed, come from God...it will not be found in any textbook, any religious literature...some of these ideas have not even been formulated in the hearts of man, ever, ever...
You will see...it is from God!
...Hence my confusion in regard to what you are attempting to say.-SolidSender
No problem...
Hey, hang around for a while...there is more to come...you ain't seen nothin' yet. :-)
Your Brother,
Jehovah's Witnesses, God's Name People -- Destined to "Fall" and Be "Restored" According to Bible Prophecy -- Isaiah 30:26; Jeremiah 23:19, 20
Edited by - TheBitterTruth on 20 July 2000 1:15:50