Hey all, time for me to say goodbye to you for the time being. As some of you know, I moved to Ohio 4 months ago with my boyfriend of 3 years, who pretty much ignored me the second we got here. Well, we broke up a while back, had an awkward on and off thing going, and now it's finally done for good. He said he'll drive me to work still until I get enough money to either buy a car or move away, of which I think I'll be doing the latter. So, I'll probably be here a few more weeks, until I get enough money to take a bus or a plane somewhere, and I wanted to say goodbye to you all, until I find a place to live and am able to buy a computer again. I'm kinda lost right now, gave up my whole life, good job and all my friends to move out here so he would be happy, only to realize that he didn't want me, he just wanted to be back in Ohio with his family and his brother. Sooo, right now I'm in a kind of limbo, hoping that I'll find something out there for me. You've all been good friends, and I'll miss you in the mean time!!!!! My e-mails are [email protected], and [email protected], feel free to e-mail me, I'll do my best to keep in touch. Take care, everyone!!!!!
Good bye for now!
by maybesbabies 20 Replies latest jw friends
I am so sorry that things didn't work out... OMG.
Things happen for a reason... look at it that way.
Keep up emotionally, and drop us a line from the library until you get settled. Please don't drop off the face of the earth here... we'd miss you.
I'm kinda lost right now, gave up my whole life, good job and all my friends to move out here so he would be happy, only to realize that he didn't want me, he just wanted to be back in Ohio with his family and his brother.
makes me ashamed to be a man - what kind of a schmuk is he?.....whatever you do now...put yourself first - look afteryourself - hope you are back here soon
Hey, we hope to find you back here soon Maybes!
Jesus?! Are you OK?! Where will you go? Do you have family or friends that will put you up?
Thanks for the support, guys and gals! I'm really just at a loss right now. I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't have any family, really, except Xandria, and I don't think I can put that burden on her right now. Besides, it's damn hard to find a job where she's at!!! I think I might do some couch surfing for a while, I've been homeless most of my life, so it doesn't really bother me anymore, I know I'll get back on my feet again. I'll probably head back to the West coast, where it's warm, and try to figure it out from there. That's life, I guess, some days you're up, and some days your down. I'll just have to get back on my feet again and start over. I love you all!!!!
Call me, I don't care if it is collect. We will work it out and you will come here, even if you may not choose to live in NC. IT can be place where you are safe to decide where you wish to go. Don't you ever think you are a burden, you are not. Hope to talk to you soon.
Sis, you know I love you, but I can't put you in that position!!! Just trust that I'll be ok, I've always made it on my own, and I will do so now!!! I love you, and I appreciate that you want to help me, but I can't accept it. If I have to have someone helping me all the time, then how am I ever going to stand on my own two feet? That's why I've always done it alone, you know that!!!! I don't want to EVER depend on ANYONE!!!! As much as I love you sis, I can't do that to you!!!
I know I dont know you from Adam but I have a nice comfy couch and you are welcome to it if ever you need. What you are going through can happen to anyone and I know I would want someone to be there for me if I were in your shoes. Just dont be too stubborn to take the help if people offer it. If someone you know offers you assistance..take it. If not, I dont know you but the offer stands. Anytime I can help a fellow exjw I will.
((((((((((((Maybe)))))))))))) Please, listen to your sister. As she said, even if you do not want to live there, stay there at least long ehough for you to get back on your feet.
You said there are no jobs where she lives, but their are jobs in the Triangle area here in NC. Please, please consider it.