There are so many who glom on to this, the more urgent it is said to be the more they grab at it. I can think of a couple of the top of my just lost her husband who was raised a dubber but never went to the hall, she was not a witness and never went to the hall excpt with her husband on memoials. now that he is gone she is at every meeting because she will see him again after the big A
She does not even know that the teaching of the dubbers is that after the big A , a resurected one can not be reunited again within marrage."they will be like angles in the heavens not being married or given in marriage.
but maybe thay can live in the same apt. complex. oh ya every one will live in a capecod with torpedoed front full of glass and have 20 acres with all the crops that they can eat.
BTW, who will make the glass for the torpedoed fronts of the capecods, log the trees, mill the lumber, make the parts for the saws. mine the ore and smelt it for the parts, make the dies for the parts, wow we need the industrial complex, if not they have over exagerated the homes that they will have, maybe a one room loger.
another that comes to mind is my ante who her and my uncle never saved a nickel for thair retirement,they would always talk about the end being so close, even when others were quietly going and trying to secure a pension or savings to live on in the golden years.
so now her and my uncle have lost thair house and live with thair devout dubber daughter, and he has passed away, she now works at walmart at 72, and is every more convinced that the end is very close. and you can never win, if thay are in bad times even by thair own makeing, it shows that the end times are close and if times are good than it is the lul before the storm. you cant win the dubbers use the heads I win tales you loose to great efect.
you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink, I am so thankfull that even though we have lost my wifes side of our familys me and my wife are united and clearly see the silly old man behind the curtian. and for sites like this that let me do selftherapy by posting, even if not one person reads any of what I say it is like a jurnal for some that helps in releasing those pent up tensions that the dubbers try to presure you into not releasing. not to mention the christmas gifts!!!