Single Incident

by Paradise Found 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpunkyChick

    I had been drifting out for a few years, but the catalyst that made me start researching apostate viewpoints, was when the sexual molestations broke out in the newspaper. I was absolutly APPALLED by the article I read. Rat bastards.

  • unique1

    Their reaction to 9-11-01. Heartless B@stards!!!

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Reaping the degradation of the disfellowshipping experience was the number one issue for me. Knowing that everyone who disfellowshipped me would not contend with it either. Basically its their judicial system, it is so un-God like it exposes them for who they really are which is p ower hungry zealots.

  • micheal

    For me it wasn't any one incident but a whole barrage of incidents that just overwhelmed me. Basically it just felt like no one cared about me anymore. They just cared about how many meetings I was at or how much time I got in service, everything became very hollow and very cold, very quickly.

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    I agree with you there friend, all the way. They act like they have something to hide all the time. And I felt like I was way too controled.

  • maxwell

    A lot of things led up to it, however there was an incident where I made up my mind that I was leaving. I had committed adultery and had not told anyone. Supposedly, Jehovah would not let his organization become unclean or be represented by an unclean individual. So I thought if there really was a God he would not allow me to represent his clean people in prayer. I was called on to say a prayer at one School/Service meeting. I already had my doubts about the existence of God, but I stood on that stage and created a prayer (which is basically what I had done when I believed) though I didn't really believe a word of what I was saying and no one was the wiser. I had made up a prayer that I didn't really believe from the heart and those people had trusted me to represent them to Almighty God. I realized I could play the JW game for as long as I wanted. There was no magical holy spirit keeping things in some particular order. I had been raised a JW and I knew the phrases and the words I was supposed to say. I knew when I was supposed to smile and not smile. Once you know the system you can work it and manipulate it in whatever manner you wish. And I think I could have taken it farther if I had wanted. But I decided I didn't care to play the game so at that point, I decided I was leaving.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Well, that would have to be my first orgasm.

  • kj
    Their reaction to 9-11-01. Heartless B@stards!!!

    What was their reaction to 9/11?


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