Are you a music person?

by FlyingHighNow 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • rem

    Music? Yeah, it's alright. j/k

    I'm a huge Radiohead fan... so many other great bands - too many to list. I play guitar and used to write songs in my old JW alternative rock band. I still write/noodle around with chord progressions and stuff. I have a Gibson Les Paul Studio and a Martin DM accoustic. I bought my girlfriend a Taylor Big Baby, because she is one. hehe


  • FlyingHighNow

    Awww Farkel,

    I tried to play your music files but they wouldn't play.


    Heather S. II

  • Farkel


    You and I are kindred souls when it comes to music.

    Let's face it folks, we need music in our lives. It motivates us, inspires us and it relieves us of the pains of life. It is the glue that we all need to go on with life, with hope and optimism.

    Music works for me. I live it, and it is better than any drug a clueless Doctor can offer me!\

    Plants thrive when exposed to good music. Why can't we? Are plants smarter than we? I don't think so.


  • Valis

    um some of us need music from farkel but we wait...I think Jehover is going to beat him to it..


    District Overbeer

  • heathen

    Are plants smarter than we? I don't think so.

    Plants are way smarter . They never try to convert people into cults .

  • freedom96

    I love music, and would not be happy without it.

    I play around with making music myself, and one day will make a c/d of my own music.

  • FlyingHighNow


    You should do that. Your music has to sound much better than the cookie cutter pop music we are being handed today mostly because Clear Channel owns so many radio stations. They own six stations here. They also handle most tour promotions. Neil Young had a billboard with Clear Channel and Support Our War on it in the film part of his Greendale Concert. Everyone here in Grand Rapids booed Clear Channel; Neil was very pleased by that.


  • heathen

    Flyinghighnow--- You should check out the 97.1 KEGL site and listen to that if your local stations suck because I've noticed that they seem to find some different forms of metal and hard rock that are pretty cool . I like to play around with music myself and am trying to create some different sounding stuff . If anything it's fun .

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you, Heathen. I'll do that soon and let you know.


  • LyinEyes

    I love music,,,,,,,,,I use it as therapy ,,,,,if I need to cry, I listen to things that get my emotions all out and over with for the moment.

    If I need to dance, I put on 50cent, Nelly, Tupac,,,,,,,,or some good ole 70's disco stuff.

    I love classical music as well,,,,,,,,,,I love the soundtrack to Somewhere in time,,,,,John Berry, composer, and his adaption of the Rapture.

    I love country music, 3 doors down, Sister Hazel,,,,,Shaggy, a little bit of everything, but not necessarily all that an artist does,,,,, I have my favorite songs they do ya know.

    I know I would miss music if I could never hear it again. It is very important to me.

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