Almost Made Me Puke ...
by ESTEE 22 Replies latest social current
rolling eyes :-P
Just try to stop me from signing up! Praise Jaw.
It is really sad in a way that people are forced to use such services. I'm sure if a witness is running it that they are violating the rules about having a business that has JWs exclusively as customers. There aren't many men in the WTS compared to women. The men thus have their pick of the crop. Women have to settle for some guy whose only redeeming factors are that he is breathing and baptized. In the olden days, contacts with COs and couples where the husband gave talks all over the circuit, were the only way to meet brothers. Frequent visits to Bethel and contacts through Bethelites might yield a likely prospect. For people who want children and don't plan on going into the new system alone, it seems the only way.
Blondie (single sister for 38 years)
Partners In The Truth members come from all walks of life. Many are well educated. Approximately 60% are male and 40% are female.
Since when is being "well educated" a desirable quality for a JW? Wouldn't a more theocratic choice be a pioneering window washer? times have changed!
Translation: Well-educated
Has money
Has a good job
Works steady
Will advance more quickly in the WTS
I looked on this site a year ago...I can really understand its appeal. You're stuck in a congregation or a circuit where everyone at some point has judged you, including any potential suitors. Gotta be someone out there, right?
None of the sisters I know/knew would spit in my ears if my brains were on fire. Breathing and baptized? If that were their only qualifications, I'd be way to busy playing tonsil hockey with the circuit to even think of posting.
None of the sisters I know/knew would spit in my ears if my brains were on fire
this is officially my favorite quote of the day : P
it cracks me up that there are so many online JW dating services. whatever happened to "the internet is satan's spawn"????
Sort of wish this had been around when I was single in the WT. There was absolutely no place to meet young people unless you were willing to look really desperate. When I complained about it, wonderful Mom said "Well, maybe you can meet someone while making sandwiches at the District Convention..."