What about this religious site for kids??

by patio34 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34

    I ran across this website today and am amazed! Notice the "atheist grump", lol! the kid should run away!


    sorry i can't copy and paste it up here i don't think. lemme try.....

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    Hey, Habu...
    How many gods do you have?

    Wouldn't you rather have just one God who loves you a bunch than a bunch of gods that don't love you at all?

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    What should you do if you find an Atheist?

    If you find an Atheist in your neighborhood,

    You may be moved to try and witness to
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    Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.

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    Lambuel Mask

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  • patio34

    it's funnier to go to the site, because there's animated pictures, and they offer many many "scientifc" proofs of creationism, along with pictures! of even currently living dinosaurs! amazing


  • simplesally

    Patio, did you know that dinosaurs were vegetarians? LOL.........

  • rocketman

    Hmmm....right at my intelligence level.

    On the other hand, that sounds like I'm insulting the kids.

  • Dawn

    Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.

    Oh give me a break!! These people are one of the reasons I get so much gruff when I tell people I'm a Christian!

  • patio34

    Hi SimpleSally, nice to see you again! yeah all those vegetarian dinosaurs, right!

    Lol, at Rocketman!

    Dawn, everyone knows most Christians aren't like that! This group is on the fringe, kinda like the atheist they show, lol!


  • kgfreeperson

    The site isn't on the fringe--the site is a satire. And a very funny one at that.

  • joannadandy

    Found my new avatar!

  • patio34

    Hi Kegfreeperson,

    What makes you think it's a satire--it seemed too subtle to me, but we did discuss that possibility. that's why i put it up here. i'll tell my friend that you thought it was a satire too--so did he.

    JoannaDandy, that IS a cute li'l lamb and would suit you, i think


  • Valis

    yuck...a site for kids without all the religious crap would be much preferable, even here on JWD. I offered to mod such a forum cuz I will rip new aholes for being ugly to kids and do my best to have a user deleted with a quickness.. I really think children should be left to their own devices as far as religion is concerned till they are able to make informed descisions, based on science, history, and their personal feeling. This doesn't happen for a long while and as they are very easily influenced by things like guilt, the wanting to please the parent, wanting to fit in, etc...IMO religion should be left out of their lives as long as feasibly possible. Also, I still think if there are kiddies here the parents should try and have Simon make an unmistakable designation that they are kids in their user profile. Have a good evening all.


    District Overbeer

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