Att: ex-Elders and Their Kids: Did You Really Have a Regular Family Study?

by Room 215 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    I can't imagine now trying to read through the Watchtower once, yet alone study it in advance

    It is "milk" - it is watered down so much. I looked through one recently at my mom's house and thought that Green Eggs and Ham offered more insight to the Bible than that issue did.

  • Mulan

    We were semi regular about it, meaning we would go months or even years having it very regularly. Then something would interrupt it for a few weeks and it would be hard to get it back on track.

    But, for most of the time, we studied the WT after dinner on Mondays. When the kids were smaller, we did 3 or 4 paragraphs a night, depending on how long the study article was for that week.

    I went over BS book stories with the youngest whenever he wanted to which was frequently. When Princess was little, we had the Listening to the Great Teacher book and we went over that about once a week.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh man does this bring back those mind numbing "studies" or what.

    Yes my good little elder hubby forced us to sit down to pre-study the WT every week.

    Those mags are an insult to anyone over the age of 5. If anyone thinks they are "meat" they truly are braindead from reading too much of it

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Maxwell Starfish, Franklin.... wow, I'm impressed; really, no kidding. In my corner of the world, regular weekly family Bible study remains a persistent weakness.

  • RunningMan

    I was a Ministerial Servant. An elder explained to me that in order to get appointed, I must report a family study. So, for a while, we actually had one - maybe a few months. Then it became less regular, and eventually went away altogether.

    At first, I felt a bit guilty about reporting one when we didn't have one, but I rationalized that I easily spent an hour a week instructing my children on matters that could be construed as religious, or possibly moral, or at least educational. Eventually, I no longer felt guilty about it. In fact, I went on reporting it until I stopped reporting entirely.

  • minimus

    We had a "family study" maybe once or twice. Really.......... I talked to a friend of mine that is now in the Service Dept. and told him that I never studied with my family, yet we were the JW poster family, and he said, laughingly, "almost no one really studies with their family and from what I can see, it doesn't make a real difference if it's done or not. Those that have regularly studied for years have lost their kids to the world and I've seen those that never studied---have the best families".

  • closer2fine



  • flower

    One thing we did do pretty regularly for a while was reading from the text book every night before dinner. About two years ago I visited my parents home for my Grandmas funeral I think it was and they were still doing the text before dinner. I wanted to vomit as my father read about some poor legless witness crawled to the kingdom hall on her hands for three miles in the snow just so she wouldnt miss a meeting.

    well it was something stupid like that.

  • foreword

    I feel stressed just reading (and thinking) of those who went through this.

    Those mags are an insult to anyone over the age of 5. If anyone thinks they are "meat" they truly are braindead from reading too much of it

    Really....or maybe just plain braindead.

    I've tried many times, yet could never get through a whole issue. Just plain too boring for me. "Get to the point"

    I couldn't believe they were asking people to prepare in advance for the familly study of the watchtower, which meant that by sunday you had gone through the material 3 times. And plus when you received it you had to read it.

    LOL @ flower. I hear ya, those little africans who had no car, would walk days, would bring extra clothes so they could change after they had to swim across a muddy treaturous pirahna infested river, just so they could get to the spiritual feast....Oh what love they had for the truth.

    To answer the question, in five years, about two family studies. I guess I wasn't spiritual enough, that's why I'm not in the truth anymore.

  • Odrade

    yes, accompanied by the usual beatings when we started getting too wiggly. Every year or so, we would be invited to have a part on an assembly or convention that spotlighted our spiritual "routine," so for a few months dad would add regular individual studies with us kids too. I must admit, I enjoyed those ones. Too bad they didn't continue long enough for me to start questioning things.


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