a re-introduction

by flower 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    Its been quite a while since I was a regular poster here and there are a ton of new people that I dont know so I thought I'd re introduce myself since I've been hanging around a little more regular lately.

    Hi, I'm flower and I'm an apostate .

    I am currently almost 2 years an exjw and talk about a roller coaster ride. The past two years have been a wild up and down journey of discovery which many here have shared with me. Right now I think the ride is finally coasting and things have finally settled down emotionally, spiritually, mentally ect.. I still hate the religion but I am not as angry as I was and definatly no long consider myself a victim of the cult. To be a victim is to let them have control and thats something I just wont do any longer.

    I love my family and will always hold out a faint hope that they will see the light some day although I doubt it will ever happen. They are 'lifers' as they say.

    Two years ago on Christmas day I got the best present ever when I found this board and started my 'search for christian freedom'. But I still wake up some days thinking its all a dream and I'm back home with the reality I knew my whole life to be true.

    But I realize that not having answers to all of lifes questions IS reality. Not knowing what happens after death..whether there is or isnt a God. All of the answers are gone and its wierd as heck but its reality and I kinda like not knowing everything.

    The thing I miss most is having a family. They werent the best family by any stretch of the imagination but I still miss them. I will never forgive the WTS for taking that from me and my son.

    Anyway, looking forward to getting to know all the people I dont know here and getting reaquainted with the ones i used to know.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Hi Flower (again)... you started posting here a few weeks before I did. I remember we got into a few "discussions" .... I've never been a dub, just have a good friend who is one. Sounds like you've mellowed a little (haven't we all)...

    I noticed you posting a week or two ago.... nice to see you back...

    Double Edge

  • DanTheMan

    Yes, it's good to have you back. I enjoy your posts. I'm right around 2 years meeting-free myself.

    Mouthy posted a "where's flower?" thread a while back, I don't know if you ever saw that. Joy2bfree responded that nobody had heard from you since the freedom fest last April. I'm glad that you are doing well and are standing firm in your apostate-ness.

  • Funchback

    Hi, flower.

    I met a girl just like you about (2) years ago. It was about the time I found this forum. I was still an active JW who was researching the Dub religion. Me, you (who was disfellowshipped), badwillie, Mrs. badwillie, Jaden, and another former dub ate at a seafood restaurant in Trenton.

    Remember how we were talking and our Waitress overheard us and how SHE was a JW??? Remember how scared you and I were because we were still under the mind-control of the cult? We were thinking that maybe Jehovah was giving us a sign.

    HA! NOW look at us!!!

    Luv ya!

  • bikerchic


    Welcome back!

    definatly no long consider myself a victim of the cult. To be a victim is to let them have control and thats something I just wont do any longer.

    I think that is such a profound statement........I'm glad you've reached this conclusion and I'm with you on that one.

    I also miss my family warts and all.......but I won't let them control me or guilt me into discussing anything religious with them.

    But I realize that not having answers to all of lifes questions IS reality. Not knowing what happens after death..whether there is or isnt a God. All of the answers are gone and its wierd as heck but its reality and I kinda like not knowing everything.

    It's a good thing to question and a freedom knowing we can question and that we don't need to have cut and dry answers to everything. Reality is now, live for the moment or as I heard it put today live today like you are going to die tomorrow.

    I look forward to hearing more from you, you seem to have many of the same questions I do about god and all.


  • sens

    ((((((((flower)))))))))) Hi!!!

  • flower

    Thanks Double Edge, I'm sure I got into quite a few 'discussions' when I first got here . I was in a state of disbelief for quite a while. Then shock, anger, depression....all the usual stages of departure. Now I am in acceptance phase so yea I guess I am mellowed out. But I'm still opinionated!

    DantheMan, Thanks! I think we met in Florida? I was an emotional mess back then and going through some major personal problems but thankfully everything is worked out and I am much more alive these days. Yea I eventually saw that post by Mouthy and assured her I am fine. Shes the worlds best granny!

    Funchback, LOL boy do I remember... Not only was she a JW but she thought she recognized me because she went to my sisters KH remember? I was so paranoid when I first got here..there was always that voice saying that everyone here is under Satan's control lol. Now I say 'well if they are I'd rather be under his control than Jehovahs control...they have more fun!' I miss Bad Willie and Mrs Bad Willie...and little bad willie too.

    Bikerchic and Sens, Thanks and I look forward to talkin to you more...


  • Badger

    (((((Flower))))) I love hearing people's stories...I'll tell mine one day....

  • shotgun

    Hi flower

    My rollercoaster is still climbing glad to hear your's is slowing down abit.


  • flower

    It gets easier Shotgun...just wait and see :)

    Badger..looking forward to it. :)

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