Its been quite a while since I was a regular poster here and there are a ton of new people that I dont know so I thought I'd re introduce myself since I've been hanging around a little more regular lately.
Hi, I'm flower and I'm an apostate .
I am currently almost 2 years an exjw and talk about a roller coaster ride. The past two years have been a wild up and down journey of discovery which many here have shared with me. Right now I think the ride is finally coasting and things have finally settled down emotionally, spiritually, mentally ect.. I still hate the religion but I am not as angry as I was and definatly no long consider myself a victim of the cult. To be a victim is to let them have control and thats something I just wont do any longer.
I love my family and will always hold out a faint hope that they will see the light some day although I doubt it will ever happen. They are 'lifers' as they say.
Two years ago on Christmas day I got the best present ever when I found this board and started my 'search for christian freedom'. But I still wake up some days thinking its all a dream and I'm back home with the reality I knew my whole life to be true.
But I realize that not having answers to all of lifes questions IS reality. Not knowing what happens after death..whether there is or isnt a God. All of the answers are gone and its wierd as heck but its reality and I kinda like not knowing everything.
The thing I miss most is having a family. They werent the best family by any stretch of the imagination but I still miss them. I will never forgive the WTS for taking that from me and my son.
Anyway, looking forward to getting to know all the people I dont know here and getting reaquainted with the ones i used to know.