I have bound volumes 50s-2001, and very nearly complete Kms from the 60s-2000. I had them bound into 2 large hardcover volumes. If a die hard apostate would be able to use them to further their work, contact me. I also have Cole's books and Faith on the March. It's time for me to clean the garage. I will not sell them in good conscience to the unsuspecting public nor wish them in the hands of active JWs.
bound kms
by peacefulpete 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
I just chucked all my lit....
why not donate them to your library and see if they would add it to the religious studies section? Then, anyone in your area could have access to it?
District Overbeer
"nor wish them in the hands of active JWs. "
Shame on you! I was hoping to get them!
My wife and I did that years ago. There was a feeling of finality and freedom when we did this. I guess it was a symbolic gesture. Now, my book cases are filled with other publications. But I have kept certain books like Crisis of Conscience and Apocalypse Delayed as a healthy reminder of what the past was like.
How could I get my hands on those bound kms? No, I am not an active Jehovah Witness. Actually I am disfellowshiped. But, I enjoy reading all there new updates. So, how can I get my hands on those bound kms?
Sorry SandyJo but from some of your other recent comments on this board you don't appear to have begun your cult recovery, or even yet seen the need to do so.
What did you have in mind for these? I'm certainly interested - PM me if you don't want to go over details in the thread.
Stacy Smith
My parents had a huge library. They had a huge fire two years ago
Peaceful Pete:
Number one, please do not judge me. Do I feel it is a cult? No, because cult if you look it up, actually means:
1. a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence: religious ceremony and ritual.
4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
b. The object of such deotion
6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an estoeric, usually artistc or intellectual interest.
Does this mean I agree with all thier teachings? NO! But, it does mean I miss the association I had at one time! And it does mean that I miss the relationship I had at this time with a GOD! I am not saying it is the "truth" I have merely pointed out that I do miss the association. I do miss the closeness I had at one time. But, I also know that I will never belong to this organization again. See, unlike you think. I do have a mind. I do think. I do read. I try to base my decissions on research. Not on what any one person, or man has to say about the matter.
See, I have read the book: "Crisis of Conscience" Written by raymond Franz
Do I still at times read the Watchtowers and the Awakes? Actually yes I do.
And I also do feel that alot of witnesses feel they are serving God, so no I do not believe all Witnesses are 'bad people' I just feel they allow the society to dictate too much of thier personal lives.
And for your information, I have written 'Bethel', I done this because I had to have answers. I sent them my problem, and I wanted to know if they were a truly loving organization. At this time, I can not say, I feel they are a loving organization. I personally feel at this time, that they have neglected to follow in Jesus footsteps. Because he never turned his back on anybody wishing to know his loving Father. See, when I wrote them I expected at least a reply to the situation. To this date it has been ignored. The Elders of the congregation, being the loving, supportive people they are. <NOT> Told me I could not be a Witness because of my living situation. Informed me I had to move. Because, I live with my x-husband who had prostrate cancer along with bladder cancer. And he had both of these organs removed. We do not have sexual intercourse. Nor could we. Because he no longer even has a desire for sexual relations. Because anybody who knows anything knows that the prostrate of a man, is what allows him to have those desires and to perform sexually. And I was off work for over 7 months due to a mental illness. So, at this time I Have no money. So, when they informed me I had no choice but to move, in order to be part of the organization. I had to say this was a very unloving thing to say and do! And they have not bothered to contact me since this. So, I do not believe at this time that they are loving, supportive, or caring for the flock the profess to love.
So, do not tell me I need to be deprogrammed! Because, I do not! My eyes are very wide open. Because I choose to read, and make choices does not mean I need to be deprogrammed.
Thanks for listening to my rant=-)