JW's Don't Really Believe Satan is Real ...

by TTATTelder 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TTATTelder

    If you walked up to any JW and said "I just spoke to Satan" they would think you lost your mind. While that reaction makes perfect sense in the real world, in WT land it doesn't add up. Here's why I say this -JW's are supposed to believe the following:

    1. Satan is real
    2. Satan is currently alive
    3. Satan is trapped on earth
    4. Satan is controlling the whole "world"
    5. Satan had a conversation with Eve
    6. Satan had a conversation with Jesus

    If JW's actually believed all the above 6 points, wouldn't they expect a conversation to be possible with Satan today? I'm telling you, if you walked up to a Circuit Overseer and said that you just spoke to Satan and you were concerned about something Satan said - that dude would freak out! It would spread quickly that you were not mentally stable. 

    I find this inconsistency interesting and telling. What do you think?


  • Simon

    It's funny - if anyone actually acted out anything remotely like any of the supposed bible stories people would not entertain them for one minute. Anyone claiming to have spoken to jesus or satan or any sprit creature is quite rightly labelled "nuts" as you say.

    And yet at the same time people claim to believe all the original tales. A very strange situation - people believing two completely opposite realities at the same time.

  • Vidiot

    Simon - "A very strange situation - people believing two completely opposite realities at the same time."

    I'm convinced that on a fundamental level, the GB knows WT ideology is wrong, whilst still sincerely believing it's the "Truth" at the same time.

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate


    The cult is too complex for it not to be purposeful deception. When GB 3.0 take over, then it won't be purposeful deception anymore, it will really be blind leading the blind. That is not the case right now. The very clear sighted GB are leading the blind.

  • cha ching
    cha ching
    Funny, just yesterday, my sister said the very same thing to me... 'JW's believe in Satan, warn about Satan, tell you about 'second hand items' and their 'link' with Satan/ demons, but the minute you start telling a story of what happened to YOU?   Their eyes start staring blankedly, their voice gets shaky and they start backing up away from you. ' 
  • Vidiot

    campaign of hate - "The cult is too complex for it not to be purposeful deception."

    You'd think so, but for a couple of things...

    ....for one, virtually every single piece of anecdotal evidence we've heard suggests that the higher-ups really are full-on True Believers.

    More importantly, though...

    ...IMO, the vast majority of the crazy-ass decisions they've made in recent years are not the kind of judgment calls that a shrewd, cynical leadership would make if it were truly self-aware (to the degree you're suggesting), and concerned about long-term survival.

    I would argue that they are, however, the exact kind of decisions they would make if a) they really did believe that God's got their back no matter what, and b) that since the End of the World was immanent anyway, what did it matter if they broke a few eggs making the omelette?

  • DesirousOfChange

    With women, I often tried the line that I have a talking snake that I'd like to show them.

    They never believed that either.


  • TTATTelder
     A very strange situation - people believing two completely opposite realities - Simon

    It is always fun to turn left and right at the same time mentally. Very healthy. (sarcasm)

    Is it any wonder that JW's have zero critical thinking abilities? They are convinced (or should I say conned) into shutting these parts of their brain off. They must do this to trudge through the belief system.


  • redvip2000

    Anyone claiming to have spoken to jesus or satan or any sprit creature is quite rightly labelled "nuts" as you say.

    Exactly. And the people who are believers in God or Satan will also think this person is nuts. This means that deep down these people think God or Satan is as real as Santa Claus, even if they seem to claim they exist.

  • maninthemiddle
    Yet, if you told the circuit overseer you heard Jesus talk to you, you would get the same reaction.

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