Would you do this?

by Been there 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH


  • Eric

    I confess, I have a bit of a hobby.

    I like to goof people up. I apply for jobs I may or may not even want. If I get to the interview, man it's gold.

    It is absolute busloads of fun to walk into a situation where you are expected to be under stress, where they sometimes attempt techniques designed to place you under stress, and to feel no stress whatsoever.

    Plus, it keeps you loose and sharp for those interviews that do matter, a promotion, job you really want, whatever.

    Here are some samples of techniques I've used:

    Interviewer: And we'll need a sample of your urine, for testing. Any objections?

    Me: (Grabbing interviewers coffee cup off the desk) Sure, let me freshen that up for you.

    (Alternately:) You want sugar with that?

    (Or:) You're weird. (Lick lips) I like that.

    Interviewer: (Pushing plastic cup toward me or handing me plastic cup) Hiring policy requires us to recieve a urine sample for testing.

    Me: (Pulling paper Dixie cup from my pocket, unfolding and handing to interviewer:) Yep. Me too.

    Interviewer: What?

    Me: You don't think I'm going to go to work for some crackhead, do you?

    (Alternately:) You're not hiding anything, are you?

    Interviewer: Would you have any objection to providing a urine sample for us?

    Me: Hell no! (Stand up, eyes un-naturally wide, smile un-naturally wide) I think I'm gonna LOVE this place!

    ( Alternately:) Whoa! Deja vu! The guy you saw just before me asked for the same thing.

    You get the idea.

    Some of these are guaranteed to get you thrown out on your ear. But if the person busts up laughing, you can let them in on the joke, and you'll have made their day. I've been offered jobs after some of the most bizarre behavior in an interview.


  • talesin
    I follow the law (most of the time, I have a lead foot though).

    Funny, this has always been my little "gotcha" with my dad.

    Breaking the speed limit is the same as smoking maryjane.

    You get a ticket, no felony, big deal - but, IT'S AGAINST THE LAW, no difference. How do you reconcile that?

    ... funny, how we can split hairs.



    Sure i would do it .

    I would want somone to do it for me if i ask .

    I will leave it to your imagination why.

    I. P. Freely

  • bebu

    Eric, you are a true nut case!

    I think I'd be tempted to give you a job, too, believe it or not, if I were the interviewer--if I were convinced that your other skills could match the creativity. ...Then again, I feel nearly certain that I would regret hiring you...


  • Panda

    Eric, You are hilarious. My husband used to pretend to speak only Swedish (which he doesn't speak at all) and people would look for interpretors. That was before the WTS --- they knocked the fun outta life for a long time. But now he does other stuff to thumb his nose at the status quo. The people who used to work for him had to have urine tests because otherwisw we couldn't get insurance for our vehicles.
    And --- I'm with FSJim, I don'r want my DNA showing up on someone elses records.

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