I'm gonna read the new light bible front to back. (See how far I make it). Besides wanting to read more. This is something I've always want to do because I know alot of religious people have never done it.
Gonna read the new bible front to back
by Jayk 28 Replies latest watchtower bible
Besides wanting to read more
I could suggest a lot of much better books.
Good luck with finding a "GOD of LOVE" anywhere in the Old Testament .{ Hebrew Scriptures }
If you by chance think one exists .
I decided to read the Bible front to back for the third time in my life. Using KJV I am currently wading through Isaiah. To me the bi advantage of KJV is that it makes you read as in r e a d .
I thought about reading the old version as well too see if there is any major difference. -
Good for you....I still remember how detailed and full of rules Mosaic law is. Also how different is for example the Jesús Mountain's Sermón from Apostle Paul's theology. I'll say is a good adventure.
I read it full one time.
I have read it cover to cover many times. It's crap.
If you can control yourself and don't want a sneak preview on how it ends, better not pm me.
Other than that, I wish you well in making your way through its turgidly ignorant contents. The many passages endorsing misogyny, slavery and genocide can provide some comic relief along the way.
My own favourite passage (correctly guess which book its from and you will impress me): The angels encircling Jehovah's throne calling out, "Holy, Holy, Holy".
I don't expect to learn much, I just want to understand what I'm up against. A example being, while growing up when ever my mom told me to do chores I could have told her "the bible says women are here to serve men" lol But in all seriousness I just want to understand what my family believes a little better.