Well today was the big day. We finally let the cat out of the bag to the in-laws about Watchtower. Previously there were unknown rumors being spread about me and today I found out why the wife and I are being shunned. Firstly, people saw on my Facebook account that I am growing a beard. That means that I'm turning "worldly" thus becoming bad association. Second, some people were somehow surprised to see the term "God hater" when referring to myself. We lost two kids and then our faith for crying out loud!!!! Something like that's gonna piss a person off!!
Either way we told the in-laws that we are no longer following Watchtower and gave a few reasons why: NWT13 Bible, Feb 15 2017 Watchtower quote, Bible not historically accurate or scientifically accurate, the name "Jehovah and it's use in the NT, resurrection promise, paradise earth unfounded in scripture, quote mining , child abuse and the "two Witness rule. The discussion went well. Of course we have been "blinded by Satan."
So toward the end my father-in-law said that we can keep in touch "as a family." Not sure if any of you might be able to explain that? He also said to email any questions that we have and he can give us answers. I told him thank you but no. He's far too old to destroy his faith like that and I told him that.
At least the conversation was civil. Nobody raised their voice but my mother-in-law was really upset. Either way at least that is finally over with. I told them that no judicial action has been taken and we are not disassociating. I let them know too that if any action is taken it will be with my lawyer present.
What I don't get is that he's a well respected elder and he honestly couldn't address one question raised. Just said that we are under Satans control and that he would pray for us. How sad.