As I release a set of HLC letters and documents that I have received, I will add them to this thread. Also, in the future, any other HLC documents will be updated here. When you see me update, it may be a new letter.
First up:
by wifibandit 21 Replies latest watchtower medical
As I release a set of HLC letters and documents that I have received, I will add them to this thread. Also, in the future, any other HLC documents will be updated here. When you see me update, it may be a new letter.
First up:
Do you read and meditate on all these deserve a chocolate treat.
Ah...the HLC has been very busy in their recruitment duties.
The HLC - the recruiting squad for the bloodless industry.
The WT sure works hard at increasing the size of their bloodless cult.
If found the HLC in my city of 300,000 with 5 large hospitals ignorant. I was told when blood fractions were allowed that the HLC had no knowledge or policy to discuss the medical aspects. I knew that was a like because 2 of my uncles were on the HLC and said that this elder was totally wrong.
The head of surgery of the largest hospital, teaching and research, patients from all over the world....called me to find out what jws really believed. I had sent him an e-mail asking if hemoglobin-based products now allowed by the WTS were made with expired blood donations. He confirmed that and he and I discussed how logical it was for someone to reject blood transfusions but then allow a product to be used made out of the same donated blood, but now expired. He used that afterwards to deal with the HLC and related jw groups who came to the hospital. Things didn't go as smoothly after that.
This is another teaching that jws get confused because of all the variations over time as to what is allowed. Like one law in the law code but over 200 explanations in the Talmud.
I know of Medical professionals on HLC's. Also of construction tradesmen. Remember, it is first and foremost a "spiritual appointment". Skill and Knowledge are a plus, but not required.
Also, in the document above: Bloodless Medicine Surgery Program (BMSP)
Thank you wifibandit for all that you do for us on this forum! I look forward to future HLC letters & docs.
I'm alway interested in knowing what these WT appointed HLC wanabee nincompoops are up to nowadays. :) :)
HLC members in the above letter are being told to beware of the internet. WT apparently has a growing problem with HLC independent thinkers and researchers. Ha!