Joe : I don’t quite know how to tell you this dad.
Dad : What daughter
Joe : Dont get mad or offensive, but there was a documentary that aired a few nights ago on prime time TV in the USA concerning the JWs, and there was some very nasty stuff mentioned, and it certainly wasn’t positive toward the organisation.
Dad : We can expect that we will be persecuted in the time of the end.
joe : yes that is true. The reason I am telling you this is just to pass on the information so you can be prepared for when the documentary hits this country. However you take this as persecution or an attack by Satan then that is ok just as long as I have informed you and you are mentally prepared.
Dad : ok thanks. Apparently the government has extended it scop into child sex abuse to include religions.
Joe : Yes dad. I knew about this a couple of days ago. That’s another topic I wanted to mention to you too. The JWs are probably going to be the star attraction in this, and I have a feeling it won’t be positive.
Dad : yes , and the bible says that in the time of the end that your enemies will be members of your own family.
conversation ends.
The purpose was just to inform and preparedness, not for a lesson in TTATT. Quite frankly my father is better of believing its all a conspiracy and staying in the religion.