Sound. Just image all the sounds generated within the universe; many of which the human ear can not hear.
Light. Imagine all the visual images ever perceived, and we only perceive a tiny proportion of the light spectrum.
I could go on and on. Phenomena is a grand dance of movement.
But what is It that phenomena is dependent on? What is It from which all thought and perception arise? All complexity?
In order for a picture to exist, there must first be nothing on which the picture is projected or presented.
In order for a musical note (or any sound) to exist, there must first be silence in which the note vibrates. Non-movement on which it moves.
Everything is dependent on Nothing. But we never inquire into That which is before everything.
What is It that the mind perceives as "nothing"? That without which no thing would exist? That, which is before and after all thingness is? That, which everything depends on? That, which does not need phenomena/movement to exist?
There is something that is not a thing; that all moves within; that all arises from. That is everywhere and everywhen. What is It? What is this ultimate and pristine simplicity from which all complexity arises?
Could it be our Source? what the word "God" points to?
Is it separate from us? Or is It our Center? Our True identity?
Might be worth a look see.