Thank you Joy and Steve!!! I had such a nice time visiting everyone and meeting those I hadn't had the opportunity to meet!! Very relaxing too. Glad everyone got home ok!! Much love and hugs!!
by Mulan 114 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you Joy and Steve!!! I had such a nice time visiting everyone and meeting those I hadn't had the opportunity to meet!! Very relaxing too. Glad everyone got home ok!! Much love and hugs!!
*waving back at Freepeace*
Hey sweetie, everyone there kept asking me if you were going to be there...I started to think YOU were the "popular" one in this couple....but then I realised it was mostly women asking me if you were coming, and I understood.
you are a hoot, gal.
Ok, Doug, we will try to give you advance warning. But I can't guarentee how far in advance. We missed you. That means Steve, too. to Tracy, hehe.
Glad everyone had such a good time. Wonderful memories will be shared for a lifetime.
As always, it was a great time, and thanks again to ((((((Joy and Steve)))))) for hosting the fest, although it was a total bummer that Joy didn't have time to sit down for more than 5 minutes at a time (which now makes me wonder how come Steve was able to???!!)
Highlights for me...FINALLY getting to meet Eman and Her Ladyship, kayaking, helping Harry put ice down Simon's shirt (trust me, he totally deserved it!), getting to spend time with Outnfree again , hanging loose with Waiting and Patio ( lips are sealed ladies, honest!), having a long talk with Mulan on Saturday morning, kayaking, meeting Myself, Freefallin, Irene, and the Belmonts, shooting the breeze with Spice and Matty (congrats!), rubbing Six's head, (did I mention kayaking??), watching my children relax and enjoy themselves, getting to see Jade again , sleeping through my sister's snoring (heheheh, oooohhh I'm gonna pay for that one!), talking with Joe and Barb Anderson (although I'm hesitant to say much right now b/c of the death threats I received!), getting sunburned while kayaking, long walks on the beach (both sunlit and moonlit), seeing Megadude and his dad again, and just generally (kayaking too!) hanging out and having a good time. I know I've left some names out, and I mostly apologize for that, but there were so many people there and I'm having a hard time remembering them all! I'll go to bed tonight and just when I'm on the edge of sleep, I'll suddenly remember who I've left off...yeah, you all know it happens.
The only downer of the weekend is that my VeniceIT and Sevenofnine weren't there *sob* but I understand why...maybe next time.
Well, I just arrived home and want to say what a tremendously great time I had. Joy and Steve were perfect hosts and the setting was beautiful! It was so much fun meeting so many lovely people. And, Dana, thanks for the sealed lips, lol!!
Simon, Ang, E-man & HL, others too that i don't know if they want their names on the board--all were great!
It was so interesting hearing so many stories and again learning that "I'm not the only one!"
Thanks a million, Joy and Steve!!!
*whew* thanks for letting me know you made it home ok, Pat. I was starting to worry about you. There is only one more left that was here and hasn't made it home yet. Well, he did come the farthest! I'm sure after he's jet lagged and will be signing in when he gets his bearings again.
Pat, hehe, at least you surprised my hubby with your late night discussions!!! And let me tell you, that is hard to do. You'll have to come back and <cough> continue the discussion. As long as the bartender is still serving. lol
It was such a memorable time. I hope everyone keeps their memories of such a wonderful weekend for a long time.
Great pics Nina. Looks like Jennie and Jackson were enjoying themselves.
I am positively beside myself that we could not attend. But it is so heartwarming that everyone had such a wonderful time! Next time I say. Next time!
Thanks for the photos, Nina. Not bad of Joy and me.
I am off to the 1 hour photo place now. (Waves bye bye.) I'll post photos later.