In the world of Antiquities, especially that of bronze Art, specifically heads, would you be surprised or alarmed to discover that experts estimate about half of all the art sold at auction and donated to museums around the world...
consists of FORGERIES?While you're digesting the news of corrupt practice, let me raise a rather vexatious collateral issue for your consideration:
. Auction Houses keep silent about this fraud.
In fact, it has been asserted by investigators specializing in such fraud, it is largely the Auction Houses submitting these works at auction under fake identities so they cannot be directly held liable for illicit transactions. Proving they've knowingly done so is too problematic to pass muster.
One expert who exposed such a fraud was sued by the Auction House and forced toward financial settlement out of court under the Libel Laws.
Now why mention all the above in the first place?
For one reason only, the same thing occurs in the religious transactions of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The Auction House (Watchtower corporation) represents its salvific theology as authentic and transacts with potential converts so's they pay for such Art (ful fraud) by giving their lives, honor, and sacred service in exchange.
When flaws are found, instead of owning up to the illicit enterprise, they seek legal redress or prosecute the accuser through coercive threats of disfellowship.
Now here is another insidious parallel.
The "value" of collectible art is that of attribution. It requires "experts" to assign such estimates of valuation and the imprimatur of authenticity is the difference between trash and treasure.
Consider this: a crooked expert gives a false authentication and inflates the fraudulent antiquity into a multi-million dollar treasure.
Watchtower's experts are the Governing Body! What they declare to be Light becomes quite a blinding beam of glowing bullshit. Eight million collectors give up the world for such a treasure. In fact, they'll die for it.
This analogous situation popped into my head while watching this video.
We are the whistleblowers alerting the unwary of the pitfalls of transacting with these cheats and their dubious provenance.