remember those days
turning off the lights and pretending nobody home, as the kids went around the neighborhood
how pathetic we were !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what did your parents make you do on Halloween ??????????
by run dont walk 12 Replies latest jw friends
remember those days
turning off the lights and pretending nobody home, as the kids went around the neighborhood
how pathetic we were !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what did your parents make you do on Halloween ??????????
Fortunately for us, we didn't stay home. Our parents took us out to eat and if it wasn't a meeting night, we got to go to a movie.
Oftentimes store owners would see that we weren't outfitted in Halloween costumes, and would go ahead and give us free candy anyway (without our saying "trick or treat", of course).
Though I am not an exJW I remember having JW friends in school. My friend told me that her parents would make them hide out in the basement all night praying.
She loves halloween now!
Nothing nice or particularly memorable
Meeting if it was Tues or Thurs. If not stay in and turn the doorbell off and the TV up.
Having said that I think that it is only in the last few years that Halloween has taken off more in the UK, unless that is my JW selective memory kicking in LOL.
Maybe other UK'ers could enlighten me.
My own children are grown up never having tasted halloween - is this good or bad?
This year I have gots lots of sweeties ready and the door bell wont be switched off.
We feld. The funny thing was the whole congregation ended up at Swiss Chalet a chicken restauraunt here in Canada. Imagine what all the people were wondering why all these kids were wondering around with no costumes eh!
For a few years we would go out for dinner with other families from the congregation. It was actually a highlight for us because we hardly ever went out to restaurants.
Other times we went bowling.
Since we had the book study in our house, if Hallowe'en fell on a Tuesday night, we'd switch the book study to Monday or Wednesday, to avoid interruptions. Which was cool because it meant we'd still get to go out for dinner instead of hiding in the basement!
Love, Scully
AHHHH the sweet memories of Halloween. Yes I can remember sitting in the dark with my brothers and sisters while the little demons beat on our door.
We went to the movies and watched a G rated movie usually. Or we'd go down the coast to a friend's home that lived out in the country and never got treat or treaters.
I suppose we should have handed out tracts?
a lot of little children did not smile when they came to our house as JWs....I regret that
So now that I am a homeowner and a parent ( and -thank god-not a JW)---my kids have a blast with their costumes and friends---and there are always big silver bowls filled with candy waiting at my front door---I am sure to make a big fuss over ALL the little kids costumes who walk up to my door--there is much lost time to make up!