Oh, and Watson, the other agenda item is watching Family Guy DVDs... I saw one episode from a friend's DVDs, and I am a convert. Except that I don't have cable. Poor deprived me... amn't I pitiable?
Happy Halloween!
by Euphemism 23 Replies latest jw friends
Definitely! I welcome anyone into my house if they want to watch the Family Guy DVDs!! I have all 50 or so episodes. At about 20 minutes each, we could watch all of them in under 17 hours!!!! I'll buy the oreos.
Yes, you should get cable! Sadly the show was canceled and there haven't been new episodes for a while. Family Guy is in syndication on the Cartoon network though.
Sheesh, you're almost as bad as a mom...
(Glad you said 'almost.')
Hey, I'm not cruel...