Sorry..............Eman and HL just left for the airport. We only read your post after he left. (driving to Orlando to the airport there)
Freedom Fest WebCam
by Simon 96 Replies latest forum announcements
arrowstar's morning now!! Turn the thing on...or is it on?
Okay I turned it back on. Many have gone home already. Prepare for "morning hair".
I plugged it into the wrong computer. Simon is setting it up now.
I talked to Eman last night!! And Joy and Simon and Safe4kids and SpiceItUp and Matty and Outnfree!! I was soooo glad I called! Joy even put me on the speaker phone so I could say hi to everyone else!
Love, Scully
Scully, rub it in why don't ya. LOL
Oh well, I guess I will just have to make an over seas call one of these days.
Yep, even downunder we could share your happy occasion. Brilliant!
Well done, you guys.....and gals too!
Hmmm Eman/airport/Orlando. I wonder........ Nah, that would scare the crap out of them to hear their name over the loud speaker. I was thinking of having them paged and wishing them a safe flight home.
LMAO @ WildHorses! Yeah, have them paged!
I just logged back in. Did I miss the table dancing?
iiz, I would, but the porblem is, I don't know what time their flight is. They might not hear it.
The 'morning' cam is online ... some rough people !! LOL