Were you considered a 'good mate'?
Did you feel like a piece of meat?
Guys/girls' opinions welcome
by talesin 37 Replies latest jw friends
I am very happy to say that none of the 'spiritually strong' brothers would have considered me marraige material. I guess I needed to practice my 'submissive' skills a little more.... I was hot..no doubt. I saw them all (even the married ones) checkin me out...but it would have been frowned upon for them to marry a sister who never pioneered and wore her skirt slightly above the knee. Thank God for that cause back then if someone had asked I may just have been stupid enough to marry one of those losers..Yikes!
I'm going by what I was told mind you...when I first moved to TN..I was told that the "word" was spreading around about me being the top prospect. I was already talking to Tink on the phone..(she made short work to get first in line...LOL). At assemblies I would have at least two or three sisters talking to me during breaks. Tink told me later she was sitting at her seat at an Assembly with friends who said to her.."You better get down there, they are swarming Craig.." she replied "well they better get it while the gettin's good!"..knowing that she already had me hooked...LOL.