Found this linked from one of the JW sites. Is'nt it interesting how things like reading the actual Bible and becoming a more loving husband are all the way at the bottom. I guess they arent as important as cleaning the hall or sending them money and not nearly as important as going to meetings and reading their books so the indoctrinization can begin. Just shakin my head at number 40. Sad really.
My Personal Goals to Pursue (1 Timothy 4:15; Romans 13:14)
[ ] 1. Become more regular in meeting attendance.
[ ] 2. Come to meetings earlier so as not to miss song and prayer.
[ ] 3. Comment at each meeting.
[ ] 4. Improve preparation for congregation meeting by studying.
[ ] 5. Enroll in the Theocratic Ministry School.
[ ] 6. Prepare school assignments as soon as they are received.
[ ] 7. Become a regular publisher by going in service each month.
[ ] 8. Improve field service (become a 4 to 6 hour publisher.)
[ ] 9. Improve field service (become a 6 to 8 hour publisher.)
[ ] 10. Improve field service (become an 8 to 10 hour publisher.)
[ ] 11. Improve field service (become a _____ hour publisher.)
[ ] 12. Start doing more house to house field service.
[ ] 13. Become more effective in using the Bible out in field service.
[ ] 14. Start making return visits.
[ ] 15. Make more return visits.
[ ] 16. Start a Bible study.
[ ] 17. Conduct my family Bible study regularly.
[ ] 18. Auxiliary pioneer.
[ ] 19. Strive to become a regular pioneer.
[ ] 20. Plan on bethel service.
[ ] 21. Keep up with daily/weekly Bible reading.
[ ] 22. Read more articles in the watchtower magazine.
[ ] 23. Read more articles in the awake magazine.
[ ] 24. Do more to work on and keep the kingdom hall clean.
[ ] 25. Increase financial contributions to the kingdom hall.
[ ] 26. Send more financial contributions directly to the society.
[ ] 27. Qualify for greater responsibility in the congregation.
[ ] 28. Work with circuit overseer in service on his next visit.
[ ] 29. Get better acquainted with the elders.
[ ] 30. Get better acquainted with newer ones.
[ ] 31. Show more hospitality by inviting the friends over.
[ ] 32. Fellowship more with the friends before and after the meetings.
[ ] 33. Visit and help the sick and elderly ones.
[ ] 34. Make more shepherding visits.
[ ] 35. Become more interested in applying Bible principles.
[ ] 36. Cultivate more fruitage of the spirit in my personality.
[ ] 37. Eliminate gossip and idle talk from my life.
[ ] 38. Pray more and draw closer to Jehovah as a real person.
[ ] 39. Become a more loving husband, exercising better headship.
[ ] 40. Become a more submissive wife, showing more respect.
[ ] 41. Become a more obedient child, avoiding worldly ways.
[ ] 42. Reduce time spent on the computer.
[ ] 42. Reduce time spent watching television.
[ ] 43. Spend more time reading Gods word the Bible.
[ ] 44. Other:____________________________________________________
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