I just found out a friend I have know for 2 years,,,,,,,has cancer in a lymp node under her arm pit. Her blood work came back , with spots in it she said, and irregular.
She had breast cancer a year ago and some lumps were taken out,,,,,,,,,she was supposed to be well .
She told me not to cry when she told me the news, and I tried to swollow back the lump , it was on the phone so I could do it not seeing her face. She asked me to met her at the club we go dancing at that night and I said I would.
When I saw her , I cried, we hugged forever and she cried too,,,,,,,,we talked about it , we said we are not going to let this get her,,,,,,,all I can do is be positive and supportive, but I know how important a positive attitude is. I know there have been some given a very bad prognosis and yet they made it.
Tuesday we will know more , how far it has gone, where it is, with all kind of test they will do on her.
When she I first started being friends we started off by dancing with a group of other friends,,,,,,,she and I got close over the last year and she taught me how to do the two step. We just went right out there durning the couples dance and we laughed at how crazy we must have looked,,,,,,,,,,but just ignored everyone there and she taught me. I remember it was to a song called,,,,,,,,,"almost home",,,,,,,,,a country song,,,,,,,,,,,and everysince ,,,,,,,,,,that has been "our" song and we always dance to it together, and of course some of the guys like to rib us in good humor about two gals dancing together.
The night she told me about the cancer, I went and requested that song, I told them my friend was sick and I really needed them to not forget to play that song for her that nite. They did, and we danced.
She had been so strong all night,,,,,,,,yeah there were tears in her eyes, as our group of friends talked about her sickness, but she held it together. Until that song came on. She buried her face in my neck and sobbed......I could feel her thin body shaking and I had to keep myself from falling on the floor , so I could be strong for her just at that moment. I mean I let her know how I was hurting for her, but I wanted her to feel that she can turn to me , that I dont want her to be afraid to fall apart when she needs to.
I dont know much about what kind of cancer she has,,,,,,,,,,,but I have noticed her weight go way down,,,in the last month, I thought it was her man problems and her new job. I felt a stab in my heart the other nite when I saw her cinch up another notch on her belt, when she thought no one was looking. She is really thin anyway, but this is noticeable weight loss so quickly.
I would appreciate any stories you may have with personal cases of fighting cancer, or that someone you know.......I would like to know what to say,,,,,what to do,,,,even when deep inside I have a bad feeling about all of this. I want to be postive but real, and mainly just a good friend.
She is scared ,,,,,,,,,she told me just don't leave her. That I will never do.
Thanks for listening. Dede