The Bible is NOT and never has been INspired. What is scripture IS! And even that has been tampered with and warned that it would be. We were warned that some would "add to and take away" from the scroll of Revelation as well as other books that were actually inspired.
2 PETER 3:16
Which is why in our time it is best to actually listen to the true source himself, His Voice as the only Way, Truth and Life....Christ! And I don't mean " Jesus".
JOHN 5:39-41
JOHN 10:
JOHN 14:6
Jesus is the name modern religion has given to a being that has never existed. Whose name there is no power nor in saving anyone. It is an English term that is not even close to our Saviors real name and power and energy in that name.
In the name of Jesus there has been untold bloodshed, wars, hypocrisy, hate, judgement, gross lack of love and the list goes on.
There is only One who can save! There is only One who is The Glorified Holy Spirit, whose Father is The Most Holy One of the universe..(Y) JAHveh.
His son is the true MIschaJAH (messiah) Or chosen one of JAH....JAHeshua ( or the closest in English, Joshua Yahshua.
The two most powerful beings in the universe, who loves! Truly loves us!
And our heavenly Father says to " Listen to his Son, the beloved." Listen to as he has a voice and speaks to each and everyone of us. Do we believe this? Do we have faith that he is aIive and speaks?
Peace to you all!