Where did the Organization ("Mother") move to after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. ?
Refuting the whole WT Org in one question...
by Confucious 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
"Does the WT Org. get special revelations from God today."
If they answer "Yes," then they are going against the Bible which says that all Scripture is complete.
First of all.....a good dub would qualify your statement using other " words" to define his answer.
They would say something like..."not in the manner many church leaders claim god reveals things to them. They would state they believe gods spirit "directs" them.
If the conversation went on further they would switch gears into how god had always had a single organisation who has taught truth, and they are the only ones fullfilling the bibles depiction of true christians who are no part of the world, and preach the good news.
Dubs don't like the subject of....."were the ONLY right ones and the rest are going to die", when it is put bluntly to them such as your question would be.
If they answer "Yes," then they are going against the Bible which says that all Scripture is complete.
Jesus said just before he departed........"I am with you ALL the days, until the end of the system of things". He also said.. he would "send the spirit as a HELPER that would GUIDE them in ALL things until he arrived".
The dub could use either of these to refute your statement.
God uses who he wants to use, when he wants to use them, in whatever way he decides. He's always used the same system of imperfect men. He allows a lot of things and this gives Him and us the opportunity to see if we are serving him with an honest heart. God wants genuine love from his people. Whether we understand everything all at once, is not the important thing. Trying to please God the best way we know how (even if we're wrong) is what He wants. Meanwhile, we must serve him in the best way we have seen the light----even if the full light on a subject isn't revealed fully.
I said it way better than you did min.......so there Mr. Snotty pants
Gumby. when you get out of your diapers, you can talk to me like that. Your answer was just OK. You are just Gumby.
*** w56 11/1 p. 666 Turn to the
13 Does Christ Jesus come to earth and make appointments of the individual ministerial servants, overseers and assistants and other such ministers throughout the congregations in the earth? No. Then how are such appointments made? They are made by the visible governing body associated with the legal agency or Society, which in 1884 witnesses of Jehovah incorporated for that purpose, now named Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
Yet ask any elder and he'll tell you he was spirit appointed.
they arent inspired in any way shape or form
Since there was no Brooklyn yet, could it be Rome?
zen nudist
the Society is LEAD by the spirit - so you will be damned by God if you disobey them
the Society is NOT-inspired -so when they make FALSE prophecies and ERRONEOUS pronouncements in the name of God, they are not to be stoned to death.
Spirit Annointed means somenone prayed in the appointement of an elder or overseer [or is that task master?]
How are the ANNOINTED, filled with the spirit of God? are they REALLY annointed or self appointed? if really annointed, how is it that they do not have direct guidence from God or direct inspiration?
How do they know they ARE annointed?