Expatbrit & Scully: A HUGE THANK YOU

by Uzzah 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah


    I just wanted to give you a huge thank you for the work you did in coordinating the letter writing campaign regarding the travesty of justice in the Vicki Boer trial.

    Your quick and efficient work in developing both the content and easy delivery of the letters made all the difference in the world in getting those letters out. Even providing various formats to assist those who had difficulty in downloading on version.

    Instead of just being vocal online about how bad things are, you both put your money where your mouth is and stood up and took action. Thank you again.

    I am honoured to count you both as friends.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Here Here!!

    They both are first class people and deserve all the kudos possible for their work.

  • onacruse

    Scully and expat and Uzzah (and all you many many others that do so much work "behind the scene")...

    you all have my deepest respect, and I too count it a distinct honor and privilege to have come to know you (even if only in cyber-space ).


  • Uzzah

    Thanks Craig, but in regards the letter writing campaign, I had little to do with it.

    Just giving credit where due.


  • Scully

    awww shucks Uzzah... I'm blushing

    I'm sure expatbrit feels the same way that I do... that we saw a huge injustice and wanted to see something positive come out of it.

    I'm so glad the letter writing campaign helped to bring about a change for the good in Vicki's case.

    I hope people are still clicking on the link that appears at the top of the page and doing what they can to help Vicki and Scott and their children financially. The load has lightened somewhat, but there's still a burden for them, and I know they appreciate everything that has been contributed so far.

    If anyone deserves our heartfelt gratitude, it's Vicki. She stood up to the WTS and got some kick-ass language in Canadian Law that will haunt the WTS forever. We won't let them forget it either!!

    Love, Scully

  • Uzzah

    A shameless bttt

  • Simon

    Yeah - great work guys !

    Doing things to make a real difference ... that is really something.

  • morty

    ((((Scully,Expat & team))))))

    My hats off to you all!!!! What a wonderful thing you guys done! Your hard work that you have done is so hard for me to put in words....You are a commendable bunch of people.....Thank-you for everything you have done for Vicki and her Family


  • Beans

    Great job, I didn't get a chance to participate in the latest letter campaign but htis topic is very important to me personally.

    Your the bombs!



  • expatbrit

    Thanks for your kind words. I have no idea whether the letter writing campaign had any effect upon Watchtower actions, but like everyone else, find it as pleasing as punch that they felt it necessary to drop any pursuit of the money. They got a bloody nose PR-wise about it, and now have $140K in legal fees to pay as well.

    All in all, I think Vicki can definitely count a victory on points: the negligence against the Watch Tower, the massive PR nightmare for them as their lying bullyboy techniques were exposed, and now the dropping of the costs claim.


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