What was the first computer you ever owned?

by Nosferatu 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • jayhawk1

    Commodore Vic 20-- I bought it at a garage sale. It burned up a few days later.

    A few months later I decided to go all out and buy an Amstrad 286. That was 1988 and it hung around until 1997. Couldn't do too much with it, but I have fond memories of it.

    In 2000 I decided to buy an Imac. That was the worst computer I have ever had. Details are found at the Apple Computer thread.

    In Summer 2003 my step-dad set me up with two Dell OptiPlex GXi computers. They may be old, but hey unlike that Mac at least it runs.

  • Undecided

    Commodore 128 was my first, second was an Amiga then a 286, forget the brand and can't remember how many more till now. I have built most of the ones since from kits and pieces I've had laying around.

    Ken P.

  • drwtsn32

    Timex Sinclair 1000
    Commodore VIC-20

  • avishai

    An Atari 400.

  • shamus

    Texas Instruments piece of crap.

    10 Print"crap"

    20 GoTo 10



    Radio Shack TRS-80

  • jwbot

    1) Something that was just a keyboard and a TV, too young to remember what it was exactly, I made little programs to print things
    2) A black computer with 2 floppy (the floppy floppy 5") drives that loaded from those, not sure what the specs were
    3) Tandy 386 w/ windows 3.1!!!
    4) p90 compaq PISSario and I bought windows 95 for it when it came out!
    5) P166, no name brand type deal, my aunt gave it to me. windows 95 be-otch. I installed a CD-Rom on it all by my little self :)
    6) P333 HP. little F*cker froze all the time and had other issues.
    7) P400 Dell laptop I bought for college, yay!
    Currently own:
    8) 1.6 ghz sony vaio, ooo down with the vaio. 512 ram, 80 gig hddrive. - bought with my first credit card!
    9) 2.4 ghz Dell computer that my S/O bought, so it is not technically mine.
    10)2.4 ghz Dell laptop computer, another computer I bought! It is my current sexy beast. wireless in oh so many ways. WIDE SCREEN! It is a Dell Inspiron 8500.

    I am feeling particularly geeky, anyone care to play Diablo II or Warcraft III with me?

  • sens

    There wouldnt be enuff room for me to tell you all the ones ive had...and still have

  • primitivegenius

    like maxwell i had a TI (Texas Instruments) 99- 4A

    skipped a while just useing other peoples comps: TRS 80s and Amigas

    broke down and bought a 386sx25............ upgraded to 4megs of ram with a 135mb hd......... then used up all the memory trying to run the cd rom i installed myself............ limped along with that untill i bought the next one

    compaq 533mgz 20 gig hd and 128mg of ram......... and its nowwwwww slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so im gonna upgrade in the near future lol

  • Simon

    Can you remember when C&VG Magazine (Computer and Video Games) consisted of program code listings to type in ?!?!

    I remember staying up all night typing in a program on my TRS-80 and not saving it

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