Welcome to the board! We try not to bite too much... unless I'm having a bad day, that is!
Welcome HICFlygirl to the forum!
by Joyzabel 42 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the board! So nice to meet you.
I am so jealous HIC...your mom is so damn cool!!
I want her to adopt me...so I guess that makes us sisters right? Hee hee!
Welcome to the forum sis!!
Hi, High-C! Welcome to the board.
Oxnard Hamster
Hi and welcome.
Wello hello,
Joannadandy-you can accept me as your sister if you wish. (but, being my sister is like being a box of chocolates. You never know what your going to get) Shamus don't worry. I don't bit, hard, either. As for my name, it's stupid. I bought some surfing stickers the same day my little brother said: "we are going to set up your e-mail address today". I got very upset with myself for thinking more than 2 seconds about the name I shall choose myself and decided on the two very cool (at the time) surfing stickers that I had just recently purchased. Thus became the avatar that symbolically depicts ME on this forum.
Opps, I failed to explain myself. HIC is an acronym for Hawaiian Island Creations, which is a clothes line for "surfing" folk. Same goes for FlyGirl.
I'm having tooo much fun!!!!!
Wow, it's great to have you here! I love your Mom..........we met this summer in San Juan, I hope to met the rest of the family someday too.
BTW my bike's name is FlyGirl.........fly taken from the Jazz speak meaning cool or you be jammin, you be flyin'........woooooooohooooooo my bike's flyin! So I like your name, it's cool!
Wow! A truly united family in the truth about "The Troof"!!!
Welcome, welcome, welcome!
Our thoughts with you from downunder.
Cheers, Ozzie