did you have a best friend at the Kingdom Hall, what happened to them, do you know where they are today ?
Who was your best friend at the Kingdom Hall, where are they now ???
by run dont walk 22 Replies latest jw friends
I have had several... one is kinda a JW apologist... doesn't go to meetings, but says that I'm apostate as far as I know. Cest la vie.
Another is pretty much totoally inactive. Doesn't care. His family and his wife's family is in it, so they are pretty much stuck.
Mine was the woman I studied with- we were very close for years...
She said she'd miss me dreadfully and as anyone who knows me here knows, I have been known to talk a little.....
she was as bad as me; our study would start at 9.30am and we'd actually get the books out around 12 ; if we felt like it...
She was really special to me and we knew EVERYTHING about eachother- luckily i'm not the blackmailing type...
but she managed to cut me out pretty easily when I left; I still see her occasionally- she can't get away fast enough. Such a shame but just goes to prove how much power the the WTBS has...
Mine is still a dub, but she has classes with me in college, so we talk every other day. She's even went as far as admitting to me that she's just "not a very religious person" so ... *shrug* who knows.
I had a few,as far as I know they are in Victoria BC.
I had two, a literal brother and sister (you-know, from the same family). I became best friends with them and they had a cool relationship with eachother, not the typical sibling rivalry type. Well the sister, Lydia, she is still damn cool, doesn't make an effort to talk to me, but if she sees me, she will come over to me which is nice. Her brother who was most definitely my best friend, we even made a pact that we were going to be in eachothers weddings, etc. is a complete as*hole. I started drifting away about the time he got married...I got the hint when I was not even INVITED to the wedding...so 5 years of close friendship counts for nothing to him. Turns out his new wife who I also thought was my friend was jelous of me for some reason...do not kow why, she is absolutely beautiful (obviously beauty is only skin deep it seems) and did not want me to even talk to him anymore. That was strange, there was never any romantic feelings. Ok so whatever, when they saw me in the super market, they would literally turn right around, I told my boyfriend that is a good JW behaviour. I sent an email to him because he goes to my college and was saying horrible racist and homophobic things in the campus forums and I wanted to know why the change in his attitude and he went on and on how I was the one that changed and chose to "date the worldly" and what have you. Well, I didn't change, just got more honest...maybe its a chnage, but a good one. *sigh* This angers me, I do not like the fact that he goes to the same school...Also, his mom was crazy verbally abusive to me and would call me slut and whore but since I loved the rest of her family, I would take the abuse.
I had a friend who was two yrs older than me in the hall. We have been friends most of our lives. The past few years we haven't kept in touch. I know where she is but haven't contacted her in a long time. Kind of sad but lives change. I know I've changed and she is still active as a JW.
franklin J
yes, I did have a best friend growing up. I was a pioneer and MS, my dad an Elder, and his family was always considered a little less theocratic than us, for not being active enough in service. They had lived all over South East Asia growing up, his dad was an oil executive. They moved into our congregation, originally from Oregon. From my sheltered world on Long Island, I thought they were fascinating people; world travelers, and they had a far more sophisticated, secular view of life than I was exposed to.
He will not speak to me now. He and his JW wife now live in another state, and ignored my wedding invitation--" he is marrying a wordly girl--and in a church!" When my first child was born, and I called him and his wife to share this with them, my former best friend would not even return my phone call, and his wife told me that they would not even want to know my child as me and my family would not surviving armageddon unless I came back to "the truth".
Nice, loving people, eh? I am proud to say that the "wordly" friends I have, do not care what religion my wife and I belong to , and we have so many supportive friends, that the JW nonsense is a distant bad memory. My kids are better off not knowing these type of people, and my wife and I are better off also without this nonsense
Yes, I had a best friend at the Kingdom Hall. I miss him very much. We met at his sister's wedding. Up until that point, he hadn't gone to the Kingdom Hall in years. His mother was strong in the faith, a pioneer. His father was inactive. After we met, we found that we had a lot in common, and we quickly developed a friendship. His mother (and the rest of the congregation) were thrilled that he started attending the Kingdom Hall regularly, going out in field service with me, and driving to assemblies with me.
Shortly after I was given public reproof, I moved out of state. That was the last I saw of him. It was 25 years ago. I've tried doing an internet search for him, but his name is too common and there are too many people with the same name for me to start emailing and ask "are you so-and-so from the Kingdom Hall"? I wouldn't be at all surprised if he ceased going to meetings again after I left.
Maybe someday......
I have to say, aside from one girl that was just so sweet (and perty...) and was a JW, my "wordly" friends have proven themselves as great friends 10x over. My S/O are the closest two people can possibly be, he introduced me to a girl friend of his and she is so sweet and loving, and would be the maid of honor in my wedding, she was also the first girl I kissed which is cool. She is so good for my self esteem. Other friends that Mike has introduced me too, are really cool, especially a friend of his named Justin. He may not be the smartest peanut in the turd (I think extreme ADHD that was never diagnosed though) but he is so sincere and fun...hard to hold a conversation with though. And the people on this forum are awesome, namely Stacy, she is a damn cool girl that I so want to meet sometime!