Like the one of the little girl falling into a big crack in the earth, a picture of amagedon from the paradise book. Few witness's stop and ponder just how sick that really is to show kids that at a young age. If anyone has that post it to this thread for others to see just how hurtful that could be for children of a tender age.
Most witness's don't even look at the pictures in their books.
by Singing Man 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals
little witch
I tried to post the picture, but no luck....darn it!
Anyway, the thing is awful to show to kids. To any kids. It is worse when they are dub kids and grow up with such propaganda.
Oxnard Hamster
I wonder if I have this book. I kept all the books I accumulated from my short study with them. What's the full title and what does the cover look like?
The pics didnt so much freak me out as a kid....all the 'demon' talk did...I had nightmares till I was about/around 16...that was what truly had a HUGE impact on me.
The armageddon scene in the paradise book was posted about a week or so ago in a thread. I can't remember the name.
I think readers DID notice the pictures. I did! I will never forget those pictures of armageddon. It was a major factor in instilling my FEAR which kept me in line for the most part as a dub. I always looked at the pictures.
As far as it making an impression on a parent of a harmful effect on their child..........most dub parents feel if it's from the society and it's in print.......then it's meant to be taught and shown, with no regard to any harmful effect it might cause.
I looked at the Bible Stories a while back to see if it was appropriate to start reading out of. I could not believe my eyes. The stories are almost all about punishment, bad people, bad examples and bad outcomes. I ended up purchasing a Bible Stories book from a book store so my daughter could learn about a loving God instead of a punishing God. I am not saying that good parents don't allow bad things to happen or that good parents don't punish once in a while, but the first thing my daughter learns from her parents is how much we love her! I want her to learn about a God who loves her even if she makes mistakes.
I don't know...but I have always felt that this issue was a "tempest in a tea pot." When I studied with my kids in the Paradise book, those pictures were the first thing they wanted to see. Instead of terrifying them, it fascinated them. They were never traumatized nor did they have bad dreams over these illustrations. I think many just over react to everything the Watchtower does.
I wonder how many parents who protest this allow their kids to watch the violence and mayhem on TV or think nothing of it when their kids read the graphic comic books of today?
franklin J
singing man
I grew up with the big orange Paradise Book ; and I vividly remember the picture you describe. And I agree with you that it is a terrible thing to teach children. I remember grammar school and wondering why I had to be there if all of these kids were going to die at armageddon. Terrible thing to teach to a child.
My favorite picture is the one in the back of the song book that shows the row of Israelites, with one extra pair of legs.
I've been called a negative person always putting a bad spin on WT publications by family members. The other week I showed the newest childrens book to my childs daycare teachers to see their reactions without any prior input from myself. They apolagized and said it was too graphic and violent to be allowed in the school. She told me they try to teach the children to love and accept everyone and would not use books which depict people being destroyed for their beliefs or lack of them. I wanted to say Amen but didn't.
The teachers also noticed the part where it talks about sexual molestation and commented again without me saying a word that this book makes it seem like it's the childs fault.
I talked to her for about an hour about JW beliefs and how they use publications like this to instill phobias in children which last a lifetime.
It was a wonderful discussion.