I keep a list (by the door) of the incredible charitable works accomplished locally by religious groups. When THEY come to my door, I ask what they do locally as far as charitable works, some actually lie and make up this or that (abused women's shelter, when offering awake on spousal abuse and I challenged them on their physical and material help, not just the lip service). I then start listing some of the things those "bad guys from Babylon the Great" are doing. Then I calmly tell them that they would be creating far more good will if they just used the time they went knocking on doors of people who aren't ome, and taking hteir coffee breaks, they would just volunteer those hours to people REALLY in need of just the basics.***** This year for the High Holy days, the LDS church across the street from my temple GAVE us their space, free of charge, so we could all meet together. On Yom Kippur, everyone brought bags of groceries for the food bank (who sent trucks) to represent the food we weren't eating because of fasting. People tended to bring a week's worth, not just a day's. And also some were whipping out their checkbooks. When there used to be food at assemblies instead of donating the leftovers to a local shelter, they would sell it in bulk to people leaving the last day. Good Samaritan-not. Shoshana
Is Charity Utterly Incomprehensible to Them? (Dec. 1, Wt)
by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends
I often think myself that if people would take the money they spend on junk at christmas time and spend it to help the less fortunate that it would make a big difference in the state of poverty in the USA. There's alot that could be said about charity. I kinda like the joke that when it comes to charity most people stop at nothing .
The only charity Jw understand is to give everything you own to watchtower.
At the last one day assembly the C.O. said that feeding the poor is useless because it leads to frustration in the long run.
This is not surprising of course.
When one looks at the way the JWs interpret the scripture on the sheep and the goats, you find out that "the least of these my brothers" who are in need represent, to the JW, not the actual poor but the "anointed followers of Jehovah". Since the JWs equate the "anointed followers of Jehovah" with the leaders of the Watchtower Organization, for them, giving to the actual poor is a waste of time since they are judged as sheep or goats based on what they give to the organization. As with most cults, the JWs misinterpret scripture so as to get people to use their time, money and treasure to benefit the cult and not society in general.
Jeff S.