I don't beleive that runningman. I think the WTS wants a bet in both directions. The acticule says, that "no one should critizise her' which I would assume it also means "no one should Disfellowship her" either. As in many cases the WTS are not clear and want it boths ways. so as to keep the flock in order.
That's right, you will not be disfellowshipped for voting. Just like taking a blood transfusion or joining the military. To DF a person for voting or joining the military would make half of the governments in the world go ballistic.
However, if you do one of the above mentioned things, you are showing by your actions that you no longer wish to be a JW, and are automatically considered to have disassociated yourself.
"If an individual takes a course contrary to the neutral position of the Christian congregation, the congregation is compelled to view him as one who has chosen to separate from us." - Pay Attention to Yourselves and to all the Flock (Secret Elder's Manual) page 101