AOL - what's your opinion?

by TresHappy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    AOL or MSN I don't see the point. I signed up for HS Internet via MSN. I pay my local Cable TV company for the service. I asked MSN how their service is isn't, so guess what, I ditched MSN. I still have my MSN e-mail account accessible through Hotmail. I asked the MSN Customer Service person why MSN offered HS Internet from another provider as I didn't see any need to pay $20/month for a piece of software when Internet explorer was fine on its own...She didn't have an answer.

    I hear the AOL's customer base is shrinking and its because of high speed internet services offered by other companies.


    For the record Qwest DSL service sucks when they offer it and then tell you your community can't get it.

  • primitivegenius
    The CD-Roms that I'm always getting from them in the mail make nice coasters.

    actually dan............ there more fun to use as skeet.......... you gotta shotgun? Rambo


    Yeah, wait til you try to drop them...they're criminal the way they will try everything to keep you and yes they will try every underhanded trick to keep billing your credit card or phone bill. You cannot cancel by email. You have to either write (which they ignore) or call them (which gives their hard-sell salespeople a chance to keep you signed up) and Good Luck getting rid of everything installed on your computer. They are EVIL.


  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    AOL is nothing more than a virus in your computer, if you tried to delete the program you will always find fragments of it on your hard drive. This I have found out the hard way the only way to completly remove it is to format your hard drive and reload all your programs again, then its gone.

  • freedom96

    I talked to computer "geeks" in the past, and they all hate AOL. I thought it was very easy to use, and then I got other services, and they were just as easy, if not more so.

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