Thanks to all who posted a review of my short! Much appreciated! Donald
You can finally see the short film on Father's Touch here:
by morrisamb 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I'll bet one of you posted this review on Triggerstreet!...very kind of you!
Re: Father's Touch Fantastic job
-- November 8, 2003 - 8:52 PM
Review Id: 598664 -
Big Tex
How did I miss this thread! Sorry.
All I can say is: wow. It gave me goosebumps. I agree with the review, the shot of the house kind of framed the whole thing. It reminded of a line from a movie I saw years ago: "All these neat little house and neat little yards, no one would ever think anything is wrong in them." It provided showed the dichotomy between what the outside worlds sees versus the reality.
If I did have a criticism, and it's really picky actually, it's that one has to be familiar with the story to pick up on the fine points. But that might be an unfair criticism since it is a short film and so much happened that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to get it all in.
All in all, I say fantastic job Donald. This is a worthy segue to film, as it treats the subject with accuracy and respect.
Thanks so much big Tex for the support! It is very difficult and dicy to depict sexual abuse in a 6 minute film using children who represent me...but there are definite hints of it, I'm sure you noticed...thanks again for your continued personal and public support!
Hey Donald,
I posted my review - you can read it if you want. I just wanted to add a personal note that you are very courageous to spill so much of yourself out on canvas.
Good work, lad.
Wow..thanks guys are so supportive!
Hi gang, thought you might be interested in this email I received today...
Hi donald ! Yes, I am still interested in seeing the Father's Touch movie !
Please share this urgent message with Friends Of Children:
Time Warner Cable has hired Joel Steinberg - convicted child murderer out on parole this summer - to host their crime show "New York Confidential" on Channel 35. Mr. Steinberg beat his illegally adopted daughter Lisa to death in 1987. As she lay dying on a cold dirty bathroom floor, he and his live in companion proceeded to abuse cocaine at their kitchen table. Lisa was just 6 years old.
If you are unaware of the particulars, please read the enclosed New York newspaper link ( New York City - Joel Steinberg Lines Up TV Job .):,0,4942696.story?coll=nyc-topheadlines-left
A protest against the evil profiteering of Lisa's death is most definitely needed in New York City. If you know of anyone who is organizing such, please alert me to it. If I cannot find anyone who is, I know an organization who will help start one.
You may contact Time Warner Cable yourself to verify such facts @ 212.598.7200. Please contact me ASAP ! I cannot believe that this is a true story. Who would want a convicted child murderer on their staff ? Tina Alfano President ________________________________________________ Donald here again, here are some Links re Joel Steinberg and Hedda Nussbaum here is an organization that wants to stop this atrocity: MASA : Mothers Against Sexual Abuse And interested in writing to protest: Time Warner Cable
Mr. Gary Rosenblum
120 E. 23rd
9th Floor
New York, NY 10010
Mr. Darnay Hoffman
Director of "New York Confidential"
210 West 70th Street
Suite 209
New York, NY 10023
Mr. Bob Watson
Executive Director of Time Warner Cable
120 E. 23rd
9th Floor
New York, NY 10010 -
One of the things I just realized is that people have been looking for something indicating sexual abuse in the short film on Triggerstreet. Well, it is based on the first chapter of my book and I DIDN'T put sexual abuse in the first chapter either. I hint yes, but felt it is better to suggest than to punch readers/viewers with such a subject. So the film maker did remain true to my author vision.
Here's what an ex-Witness in Toronto wrote in his review of the short on Triggersteet:
The Past May Be Closer Than You Think
-- November 9, 2003 - 9:08 PM -
Look at this review I got...within days, Kevin Spacey and his business partner will be picking the top 50...wish me luck!
Reviewed by: Cycarax Re: Father's Touch Deep and Powerful!
-- November 10, 2003 - 8:08 PM
Review Id: 599734 -
I received this email from an award-winning director about my short film, Father's Touch on Hi Donald. Decided to try to watch the film again. It worked - though unfortunately in a tiny frame - I say that because the imagery was beautiful and very evocative of the past and the feelings you've expressed. The film felt very true to the book with the jump cuts and flashbacks, and the juxtaposition of the different years represented. I was also surprised by the likeness of the actors to you! Donald, there was one very strong theme to the film which I pretty much left out of the documentary because I didn't feel there was enough time to explore it properly - that of the relationship between you and your mother and your mother as silent witness to the abuse. It's a difficult issue and one that I choose to ignore, although I was constantly thinking about it. To my mind, the film is fairly accusing of the silent witness. Something I read recently - a German psychotherapist - Bert Hellinger - talks of a father's sexual abuse of his children as having two perpetrators - both mother and father. One allows it to happen by being inactive. The other actively makes it happen. I believe he calls it a form of codependency. I wouldn't have raised this, but I think the short does and I 'm interested in you're take on it in terms of the film. Talk to you soon and congratulations on your performance and on a terrific film. Thank you. _______________________ I'd be interested in fellow'ers feelings about this after watching the short! Then I'll share my two cents worth..thanks!