JW's are all supposed to be marked by the LOVE they have for one another. The love is called a great one because it is a "self-sacrificing"one. Theoretically, a Witness would simply DIE for another Witness because of the brotherhood---no questions asked. Did you feel this way, too. Was there a time that you would've automatically given your life up simply because a person was a Jehovah's Witness???
Would You Have Given Your Life Up For Your Brother At One Time?
by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends
Yes - but not for every witness - -just some of the ones I was closer too
No. They'd be resurrected after the great tribulation. They wouldn't have to put up with this old world or see Armageddon. I'd be doing them a favor by letting them die.
I am glad that you said "Did you feel that way?", because to that question I can answer , "Yes" . Of course feeling it and doing it might have been two different things but I certainly felt that I would should do so. After all , to fail to do so would let them down and we were supposed to be brothers, right?
I also believed , perhaps naively, that they would die for me
I also believed , perhaps naively, that they would die for me
I don't know how many times I gave until it hurt to others and then when I needed help.....
I would help a stranger...why not someone I knew. I have learned never to expect anything in return though.
A good point I heard years ago in a talk:
If you are willing to die for your brother or sister, are you willing to live for them?
So many JWs blithely say they would die for another, but when they are asked to give them a ride to the KH, they whine and make excuses.
I believed that I would have done it. It was supposed to be an identifying mark of Christ brothers. I've forgotten that scripture. I know it's in John somewhere. Interesting that I'm starting to forget some things I thought to be core beliefs. But I have to agree with BluesBrother. Who knows what I would have done if I had faced such a situation in reality.
STUPIDLY, I believe I would have done it for the "brotherhood". But how could we REALLY believe that we could have died for people we wouldn't even talk to???
franklin J
In theory and words; Yes.
Fortunately for me ( or some other poor sucker) it was never put to the test!
Yeah, it would suck if you died for nothin'.
Not in a million years!!!!!!!!!! And now I can see with hindsight that I would have been absolutely right. Cathy L.