i knocked on his door with 2 bibles and a 1984 wt bound volume in hand. I was ready for war! HE SURPRISED ME AND INVITED ME IN. TOLD ME DON'T LET THE NEIHBOURS KNOW WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. i went straight into jn 6 :53 and made him read the whole chapter as he was also a Catholic before. it's a simple teaching that most christians follow. eat the bread and wine. funny this man been a jw 50 years and didn't know what a RED LETTER BIBLE WAS? he had trouble with rutherFraud came up with 144000 in 1935? he kept asking me why I hate the Truth wts. I broke it down in simple terms. I said 20 years ago when I got divorced I went to live with mom and JW dad. dad kept giving all these wt books. I started researching what these books are really saying about 1914 and some convention at cedar point ohio in 1918 after going to bethel brooklyn library and reading what really taught about MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE. I knew the leaders of the wts were liars and after 6 months research no intranet just libraries. my dad throwed me in the street. it was a long talk he agreed not to preach to my mom no more. this eldder is a good friend of my dad. and he knew more about me than I expected. I'm happy it all went fine . there is ,much more to tell, maybe another time.
I went to this elders home this morning ready for war, just like I said I would
by JunkYardDog 23 Replies latest social current
Maybe it went better than expected because there was no hair pulling or anyone being cussed out or threatened. Civil conversation seems to go better in this case than some of your other threads.
While one may not agree with junkyard's methods I can understand the rage and anger. When jw's refuse to let you alone it is most disconcerting to say the least. Some will not leave you alone until you practically threaten physical harm. I had it happen to me. I called the police, threatened my jw with going to a kh meeting and announcing to the entire cong to leave me and my family alone, and so on. All to no avail. They still kept coming.
What did finally work? writing a letter to NY, it eventually made its way back to the khell and they finally left me alone for quite some time, this was ordered by NY. Then 2 dumbass sisters (separated by about 2 years apart) thought they would be able to reach me. The first one got in trouble with the elders, I wanted her df'd or at least marked but they wouldn't. She did go against the god's in NY after all. The second also got in trouble with the elders and the whole cong found out, don't know the outcome of that one.
As for junkyards mom in a previous thread, I understand mamabears anger as well. You have no idea how far I might have gone if the jw's wouldn't leave my kids alone. I never acted on my anger in a physical way or confronting them in public but if they came to my door they got an earful.
This isn't even the half of how they harassed me and my extended family (including one person's place of employment on a semi regular basis).
I can't for the life of me understand why a jw cannot understand no, not interested and leave it at that. The public should not have to consider police, restraining orders and getting lawyers involved to not be harassed by a cult.
junkyard should not feel the need to protect his 80 yr old mother from jw's.
Junkyard, my advice to you would be to have mom & dad agree to simply not discuss anything jw ever, that includes you kids as well. He does his thing and she does hers, it works out much better. As ubm as well I can attest to this. It's not perfect but it can keep the peace. The home than can become a neutral zone of sorts and be a sanctuary for the family to live in peace. The couple then can hopefully repair the marriage and live life together. It can get better even if one is a jw and one isn't. Yes, the big elephant is always in the room but you learn to dance around it.
disclaimer- I am not agreeing with violent methods of confronting jw's and maybe going to an elders house could go very wrong, just saying I understand the anger surrounding this families difficulties with jw's. One shouldn't have to go through hell just to have jw's leave you alone. The hell they cause affects the entire family, spouses, children, in laws, nieces, nephews, etc.... I know because I and my family have lived it.
dubstepped what makes you an authority on handling jw's you post some shit on the internet? some website I can't even link to, so what you had balls enough to Quit the wt I give you props for that, I think your a piss ass 30 yr old kid you post bull%itt it took me over 20 yrs to get i into this elders head, I have REAMED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THIS JW OVER AND OVER AGAIN. WE HAVE argued wt teaching before you were born, i think it was very interesting he re,membered some wild wts teaching "like blacks people are going to turn white" that I told him maNY YEARS before. how did he recall that? he didn't read it on your posshitkast. I showed it to him for some 1920ls wt so go grow some hair so My mom canl pull it out. never QUESTION ME HOW TO HANDLE JW'S... I'VE Never questioned you once. when it comes to handling jw's you COULD NOT SHINE MY SHOES
I was trying to point out that you catch more flies with honey than the poison you're drinking in all of these interactions while hoping they are the ones that get sick.
You take one comment and show yourself to be a psycho. Back your ego down and maybe you could hear others when they're trying to reach you in some way. Of course, I'm sure you're not the one that ever needs help, right? You're too busy keeping the world in check with your weak ass rants. None of us are impressed and you seem to want that desperately. I feel sorry for you. You seem so deeply unhappy though a legend in your own mind.
Get.... Over.... Yourself
Oh, and love others, do no harm, and go be happy. ;)
JunkYardDog, good on you for fronting up to the elder's home. More power to you. You have done some solid research. Awesome!
I know I rant curse and yell at jw's, I always start off POLITE, It's up to them how much they will lie for the wts, the trick is to be able to call their BLUFF, THAT'S when i change my tune. after many year arguing with this man on jw dogma , he invited me into his home in his P,J'S he could not stop hugging me. he could have slammed the door in my face, we talked for close to 2 hours. I slammed the wt at every chance, and he knew he couldn't got over on me with some wt bs the man has a heart, maybe he's PIMO who knows, the elder gained my respect today for being honest and loving, -
A man who invites you into his home in his PJs and cannot stop hugging you? .Hmmmmm. I have some thoughts that are not centered on arguments.