A friend and client and former politician just called me. He knows people in the media and had offered a few months back to see if anyone would be interested in doing a story on what I'm doing through my podcasts This JW Life" and "shunned". Of course I was excited but things take time and you never know if they'll pan out. I still don't know for sure, but a reporter called my friend today and asked him how to contact me. I'm so excited even at the possibility that I could burst!
It would be so poetic. When I was a kid there was a story that hit big in the papers here about a scandal in a congregation in another area (if memory serves, I was a kid). I remember specifically being told at meetings not to read the paper or their apostate lies. I didn't, of course. Now I could actually be that apostate, lol.
Will it happen? Who knows. But things ARE happening. My last interviewee for "shunned", David, crashed his local KH and outed his abuser. I even have the audio on the podcast. When you put yourself out there good things can happen. If this newspaper story gets done and published it will only add to my joy in this. The goal was to give a voice to the voiceless, to tell the other side of the story, and to help people by doing so. I might get to add to that soon and just knowing that people are taking notice makes me so happy.
I'll avoid posting specifics unless it happens. I don't want to tip anything too much but if it happens everyone will know. I don't know the circulation now but it is a nice sized metro area. Last time I saw it was somewhere around a couple hundred thousand in circulation in a metro area of a million or so.